Within hours of the High Court finding that a Conservative consultation on changes to the work capability assessment (WCA) was unlawful, Labour has announced it will “re-consult on the descriptor changes”. 

Earlier today, we reported that the High Court had found that a consultation on changes to the WCA by the Tories in September 2023 “was so unfair as to be unlawful.”

The judge held that the DWP had: failed to adequately explain the proposals; had failed to explain that the main purpose was to save money rather than to get claimants into work; had failed to provide sufficient time for the consultation.

Following the now outlawed consultation, the Conservatives announced that they would save £3 billion by making three major changes to the WCA.

These were:

Mobilising:  the points would be unchanged, but the highest scoring descriptor would no longer give claimants limited capability for work-related activity (LCWRA).

Getting about: the highest scoring descriptor would still give limited capability for work (LCW), but the scores for the other descriptors would be reduced.

Substantial risk for LCWRA:  this would be unchanged for physical health.  But for mental health the criteria would be made much stricter. 

At the same time, the Conservatives said that a “Chance to Work Guarantee” would mean that they would “abolish the WCA for the vast majority” of current claimants with LCWRA, thereby “giving people the confidence to try work”.

When Labour came to power in July 2024, they confirmed that they would be reforming or abolishing the WCA, but have refused to give any further details.

However, they fought the judicial challenge to the Tories consultation as if it were their own consultation that was being challenged.

And now, within hours of the High Court decision, the Guardian has reported a government spokesperson as saying:

“The judge has found the previous government failed to adequately explain their proposals. As part of wider reforms that help people into work and ensure fiscal sustainability, the government will re-consult on the WCA descriptor changes, addressing the shortcomings in the previous consultation, in light of the judgment. The government intends to deliver the full level of savings in the public finances forecasts.”

The announcement seems to suggest that, rather than introducing their own changes to the WCA, Labour intends to re-consult on the Tory proposals.

If it was Labour’s intention all along to introduce the Tory WCA changes, which they would not have needed to consult on again were it not for today’s High Court ruling, then many voters will feel that the government acted in extreme bad faith by keeping their plan secret since before the election.

And given the spokesperson’s firm undertaking that Labour intends to deliver the Tory’s forecast savings, few people will  have any faith in the genuineness of this new consultation.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    Celebrate the delay.  And be prepared for what the future brings.
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    · 1 months ago
    I am 52 and have voted for Labour since becoming of age in every General Election.  I am rightfully signed out of work on substantial risk due to a psychotic illness.  If they either attempt to take my LCWRA payment off of me or others entitled I will NEVER vote for them again and I will educate my children (currently educated to vote for them) and my grandchildren NEVER to vote for them again.  I will vote REFORM out of sheer spite. I will also make sure my just old enough to vote children do the same while I still have some influence over them.

    Just leave me alone and stop adding constant anguish onto my already fragile mental health.  Your pushing me to the limit.  Comments such as this make my illness worse.

    I am not adverse to maybe trying some work but if you want me to do so then lower the cliff edge.  The fear of losing the whole LCWRA makes me lose sleep at night and losing sleep at night is not a good medicine to consider trying a small amount of work.
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      · 24 days ago
      I don't know why you're still considering voting for Labour after seeing everything that they've done in the few months they've been in power.
      The fact they didn't scrap the Tories plans for welfare rforms straight away is enough to prove they don't give a toss about disabled people.
      That's enough to lose my vote forever. But you are only bothered if it hits you in the pocket.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 24 days ago
      @CB How can you say that. REFORM  are a hard-right party who will end all state support and services. Not only will they make things much worse for you, but for your children and grandchildren.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Pete 100% 
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      · 1 months ago
      @CB " I will vote REFORM out of sheer spite."

      Oh god, please don't! Labour have their issues and to be honest have been terrible for a long while now but Reform are borderline fascists.

      Don't give them a vote. You know right that they want the sick and disabled to do the crap jobs like picking fruit and cleaning toilets that migrants tend to do? In fact, they'd force the sick and disabled to do it just to the UC.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 months ago
      @CB Your comment is exactly why some people should be careful of how they word comments on here.  Someone on this page has said that it is clear mental health will not be considered a disability in the future. Maybe mild depression/anxiety will not be but severe depression/psychotic illness that you have cannot be denied as a disability.  

      The new WCA will take into account severe mental health illnesses,  as the new assessment questions are about mental ill health (the new WCA is listed on this forum.)    Whatever happens, the reforms, I have said, are going to be at least a year before they even come up for legislation.  So try not to worry too much and avoid reading reports in newspapers or on the news (I turn the news over immediately if they start talking welfare reforms.  One of the admin said on here once, just come here to read of any real changes that are going to happen. Don't listen to the news or papers!
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    · 1 months ago
    Meet the new boss, same aa the old boss. Red Tories/Blue Tories no difference in the treatment of vulnerable people.
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    · 1 months ago
    So NO surprise there then , LIB/LAB/.CON/GREEN are a UNIPARTY, IE continue WITH Fake Tory Agendas, have  others here not thought these politicians  do not serve the people of  this country?
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      · 1 months ago
      @tom You can't lump The Green Party in with all those and give Reform a pass! Do you even know the policies of The Green Party & Reform in terms of these kinds of issues? The Green Party have the most progressive policies of them all and would probably fight hardest for most of the people posting on here today. They'd also make sure they'd tax the wealthiest to pay for it.
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      · 1 months ago
      @tom Please don't say reform are any better,I read their proposals and they were worse,we gave to face it,they do not want to pay the sick and disabled anything,it will be the stick and no carrot and if you can not join the land of the working then you will be in big trouble, I do not understand how they think that by taking away a person's income they will just fall on their feet and all their mh or physical health conditions are just going to go away and theat they will thrive and support themselves, no,many will end up in complete poverty and homeless and sadly some will decide they can't go on,its absolutely crazy, all of it is utter madness but let's face it,they're all mad enough to do it anyway because they have no idea what our lives are like and they seem to believe in a magic fairy tree where all claimants troubles will be solved overnight, oh dear!!
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      · 1 months ago
      @tom Don't fall for the snake oil salesmen though. They are NOT the answer.
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    · 1 months ago
    Typical, despite Ellen's victory and despite the fact that the previous government was told by the EHRC last year that they had breached the rights of sick/disabled people in the UK, this stubborn government are STILL hellbent on pushing ahead with these dangerous and reckless reforms. When will they learn, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. They can tighten up the WCA criteria all they want and get as pushy and forceful as they want - it does not change the fact that if someone is too sick to work, they can NOT work. Simple as that. 
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    · 1 months ago
    Wish I'd never voted for them but even if I hadn't we would still be facing the same challenges. I never expected Labour to implement stuff even the Tories would not have dared do.
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      · 1 months ago
      @TMD What do you mean, the Tories wouldn’t have dared? These were originally their plans. In fact, they also wanted vouchers replacing PIP and were ready to move even quicker than Labour have. I don’t like the situation either but let’s not forget recent history due to hysteria.
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