The DWP revealed in oral evidence to the work and pensions committee last week how long most people delay after receiving their managed migration letter, before making a claim for universal credit.

Neil Couling, head of UC at the DWP said that there are two peak periods for claiming in the three month window after a claimant receives a managed migration letter:

25% claim as soon as they get the migration notice

60% to 70% claim in weeks 12 to 13.

In other words, two thirds of claimants leave it as late as possible after getting a migration notice before putting in their UC claim.

Couling was explaining why the “enhanced support journey” in which the DWP put in additional support for potentially vulnerable claimants, does not begin until week 12 after an ESA claimant has received their migration notice.

The enhanced support journey involves the DWP making three attempts to contact a claimant by phone, if they have not made a claim for UC by week 12.  If these attempts fail, a home visit is arranged.  In the meantime, the DWP say they do not end the legacy benefits claim. 

According to Couling “What we do not do at week 13, if we have not made the phone calls or the visit has not happened, is cut the claim off. We have the facility to extend claims, and in those circumstances we extend the migration notice period.”

The DWP say that the number of visiting officers has doubled from 350 to 700 and that overall they are now carrying out around 30,000 home visits a month.

Meanwhile, Citizens Advice Help To Claim Service is supporting around 5% -7% of all managed migration claimants.

Many claimants who get a telephone call from the DWP are simply referred to the Help To Claim Service, but of 69,000 who have gone through the enhanced support journey so far 28,000 have been referred for a home visit.

Couling told the committee that these 28,000 “have not responded to the telephone calls, perhaps we have not been able to contact them, or they have just said that they do not know what to do, so we have put them out for visits and we are now working our way through those visits.

“The plans for the rest of this year and the coming year have this enhanced support journey at their core because we must do everything we can to ensure that claimants on ESA, who are typically more vulnerable than the previous cohorts we have been working through, make their way safely on to Universal Credit.

“We are very focused as an organisation on making sure that happens. We have put the resources behind all this activity. We are ready to do it.”

One issue that was not clear from the evidence was, if a claimant responds to a phone call and is given details of Help To Claim but still fails to make a claim, will there then be a further follow-up?

Benefits and Work would be very pleased to hear from claimants who have been on any part of the enhanced support journey.

You can read the full transcript of the evidence session here.



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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 22 hours ago
    Labour @ it's finest.
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    · 1 days ago
    I think these figures might be somewhat skewed.  Letters were being sent out with more frequency from around September, meaning many (including myself) put it off in order to ensure a steady income until Christmas.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago
    It will end up unless your lying in the chapel of rest you'll be expected to look for work. What a country we live in!
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago
    If they abolish the LWCRA then the person I care for will lose the higher tier and will I presume be forced to train for work which is actually impossible, so what happens to people still incapable of finding work in the event of abolishing LWCRA? 

    They cannot push the pedal to the metal too far because it will become a legal minefield for Labour. Will people on LWCRA be migrated to this "PiP replacement" called the Additional Costs Disability Payment which is having a consultation? 

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 days ago
      @Dave Dee Probably less money
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      · 1 days ago
      @Dave Dee What I've been reading Dave dee is that they going to protect most vulnerable but sounds like they going to Push as many off benefits as possible we will just have to wait and see I'm myself dreading it I'm an amputee and severe rheumatoid arthritis but every where you read it doesn't sound good 
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    · 1 days ago
    Certain sections British media have hit rock bottom tying to blame the disabled for the lack of defence spending, it boggles my mind how insidious some sections of the media are. There are other ways Britain can find the money to increase defence but no lets fleece the disabled right? whilst MP's are getting a pay rise, just saying. 

    Speaking from experience try to ignore the media, especially the conservative aligned media when the subject of welfare comes up because they don't like disabled people if you haven't worked it out yet. Since 2023 with article after article, berating and mocking people who are disabled or long term sick like they're scroungers has made me really bitter and it's changed my personal political views because I never expected such vitriol from people who claim that we "should look after our own" which is the calling cry of the right but they don't practice what they preach.
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      · 22 hours ago
      @Dave Dee Where's our unions on the cuts? Had the RMT been led by Bob Crow he'd have stood up for the sick and disabled against this gov. Knew some of his team ( from school) but where are the left now? 

      From Orwell's "The Road to Wigan Pier" being our bible to Davos? hardly a socialist gov for the workers. I'm pleased The Canary does stand up for the sick & disabled, the elderly too - as this site does. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago
    The Times (19.03.25) “Kendall is expected to cut payments which can see those deemed unfit for any work paid twice as much as jobseekers and introduce requirements ranging from regular chats with work coaches to intensive searches for employment.”
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 hours ago
      @Slb exactly but things like this will still frighten vulnerable people!  The Time is notorious for putting its own spin on anything that might/might not happen, doesn't say it might not apply to everyone!  Disgraceful journalism designed to provoke fear
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 days ago
      @Rik Can I ask, when people are posting comments like "I am super worried", why you would put up a quote from a newspaper (with the date of March anyway) and which will just trigger further worry?  The papers know nothing and no-one knows how long this will take to all happen or to filer down to us.  So rather than trigger people deeper into worry when they are upset enough already, can we not post this kind of small portion of a newspaper article? (I am not that worried myself as my condition is quite severe and I'm about four years from retirement so can see a light at the end of the tunnel.  Others may not be in that position1)
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 days ago
      @Rik Expected.  Thought to be considering. Maybe.  Might.  In short, they know nothing, and nowhere has it been said that such cuts would apply to all. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 days ago
      @Rik Cripes! I''m going to struggle with that like most of us. 
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    · 1 days ago
    Am super worried. So Iam on pip as I have epilepsy&special needs and cerebral palsy in my lower back and my right hand shakes a lot .my lower back hurts nonstop. I can’t work. I’ had face to face meeting at my home it’s scary. I no this has nothing to do with this story. But i just wanted to leave a msg I don’t read the 📰 as I have dyslexia and I struggle with reading writing and adding up. But I try to read the comments on this website thx for being understanding sorry 😔 my msg was to long or untidy 
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    · 1 days ago
    @CaroA, I tried posting before, maybe the moderator did not get the irony - Good job with the poem, but I suggest you substitute 'lay' or 'sat' for 'stood' in verse 2 line 4, as this would play better in an assessment or review. Can't have them thinking we can stand now, can we? That would make us super human. No-one who is sick or disabled can STAND, CaroA 😉 xx
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    · 1 days ago
    Stephen Evans in this article:  

    "Just 1 per cent who are economically inactive due to long-term sickness are in work six months later, compared with 33 per cent for those seeking"

    Yes, due to long term sickness. The clues are all there, duh.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago
    I filled in a Esa 50  review last January,  still haven't heard back yet. When you phone just says they getting in touch .and you still get your money 
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      · 1 days ago
      @TUX CAT If this is a reassessment, then, from similar cases which I've read on "Scope forum", it can even take a year before they call you for the reassessment. I know such a waiting is stressful.

      I don't think they're currently carrying out reassessments, unless one hasn't had any reassessment for a long time, say 5 years, etc., or they had only a paper assessment during Covid-19.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago
    I think dwp are rushing esa migration onto universal credit so there more claimants on sick on u/ c so that can be the governments excuse to show media and other sources that it looks worse than it is say extra 700 thousand claiming than last year but no one from government will say cause of the esa migration that’s just my opinion thanks for reading post 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Diceman I don't agree. They're doing it so it makes it easier to apply changes to benefit, such as getting rid of the LCWRA group.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago
    The hatred being whipped up by the press against disabled people is reaching fever pitch now- it's all day, every day. According to the chief Hatemongers at the Times, if defence spending doesn't increase, the disabled are to blame.

    Where are the charities? Silent. Where are MPs? Either silent or fanning the flames like Kendall, Timms, Starmer, Reeves etc...

    I hate this country
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 days ago
      @El I can only make comments about charities in regards to RNIB: they are heavily in the red (to the tune of about £10M) and undertaking a brutal round of redundancies/restructuring. (I used to work for them).  Much of this is down to the massive decrease in fundraising since the pandemic (and cost of living). I'm afraid charities will not be of much help in the's down to you, the individual
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      · 1 days ago
      @El Charities look after themselves first. Particularly those at the top.  
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    · 2 days ago
    Right, you took away all my mental health support. Now you want to take away all my financial support.

    What next the shirt off my back, then my life.

    What a country.
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    · 2 days ago
    If the Times' article which is more or less a rehash of an article at least 2 weeks ago about Kendall/Treasury wanting to abolish LCWRA is true then there will be legal action and reforms will take longer. The conservative aligned news outlets keep going on and on about this and yet they say NOTHING about MP's getting a pay rise, funny's a big club and we ain't in it. 

    I presume they want to abolish the WCA and the LCWRA and make Universal Credit a one stop shop for job seeking. Making PIP just an out of work benefit aka a "Health element" or replacing PIP entirely and it will take years to implement. What they want and what they'll get are two different things.

    They want more tiers depending on the severity of the illness/disability. The higher the tier the higher the money. 

    I'm not speaking for myself but there are people in Britain who can't work because they are physically and or mentally incapable of working, that's it.

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 days ago
      @Dave Dee Another, more detailed article:

      Looks like LCWRA will be abolished, or at the very least, be turned into a job seeking tier and the rate of the benefit reduced to that to the lower rates of UC. So essentially abolished.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 days ago

    Charities calling for the government to stop the "Break neck" speed of forcing people onto uc .
    I think it should have been an automatic thing, they want us on it ,but we do the"Dirty work"! 
    Ok, send us a link to ask us a few relevant questions, but that should be it. 
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      · 1 days ago
      @The Dogmother @ The Dogmother saw that too 90,000 have gone past the 3 month deadline we all know why that this? I delayed mine too but can’t delay anymore it’s going to be next week I’m not looking forward to any of this I kept away from the job centre since 2019 hopefully I move across ok if they start demanding  fit notes I won’t be backing down either in the beginning 
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    · 2 days ago
    Labour's argument for the increase in UC sickness benefit uptake seems to be that it's either down to too many layabouts swinging the lead or that too many others who really, really want to work - and can! - don't because they don't "believe in themselves" enough to do so. Also most cases of depression and anxiety are probably made up or exaggerated.

    Notice however how there's only passing mention of the effects of the global pandemic putting pressure on an already underfunded NHS's waiting times, meaning finding adequate treatment can take not just months but years! But finding medical treatment for your long term health issue is apparently unnecessary anyway because all you need to do is have your benefits cut to be "helped" into work which will automatically cure those conditions anyway.

    Also only passing reference to the effect of legacy benefit migration on UC LCWRA figures.

    So as always with our post-Thatcherite governments it's the individual that needs to be "fixed" (i.e. by being "incentivized" into work by cutting benefits) but never the system as a whole.
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      · 2 days ago
      @Gawayn Gawayn Putting the blame on the sick and disabled in other words.
      "Nothing to see here, "Not our fault" cry Labour and the Conservative government. 
      As they point the finger and all the tabloids believe it's our fault, because it sells newspapers 
      If they left me with £10 a week to live on i still couldn't work.
      If i could I'd be in work.
      So cutting benefits to the bone will do nothing other than shift more of us into severe poverty.
      What a twisted way they think.
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    · 2 days ago
    I delayed mine 3 times and finally done it in November 
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    · 2 days ago
    "Three million claim benefits with no obligation to seek work" Today's Times newspaper has used a misleading graph showing benefit claims over 25 years (2000 - 2025). The graph doesn't account for those being migrated over to UC, or the growth in population. And with this have written a whole article supporting scrapping of UC LCWRA. With quotes from Kendal.
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    · 2 days ago
    The Long Shadow

    We waited through the winter’s bite,
    A year of fear, of shrinking light,
    Each party’s voice a sharpened blade,
    Each promise hollow, each hope frayed.

    They spoke of change, of something fair,
    Yet left us hanging, gasping air—
    A game of numbers, names, and votes,
    While we stood trembling in our coats.

    But do they count the ones now gone,
    The breathless rooms, the curtains drawn?
    The sick, the starving, left to wait,
    The letters late, the help too late.

    No headlines speak their names aloud,
    No ministers stand, ashamed, unbowed.
    No green paper accounts for ghosts,
    No system grieves for what it boasts.

    And what of those still bound in chains,
    Dragged through cruel, forensic games?
    Lives picked apart with practiced doubt,
    Illness weighed and reasoned out.

    Where are these jobs they say exist?
    Unemployment set to rise.
    No open doors, no guiding hands,
    Just workplace fears and silent lies.

    They strip us down, then call it aid,
    Take what we need, then curse the weight.
    Tighten the noose, demand we rise,
    Then blame us when we break, not fly.

    March approaches, looming tall,
    A Green Paper set to fall.
    But will it heal, or just disguise
    The wreckage cast beneath these lies?

    The Tories sneer, the press takes aim,
    The headlines dance with spite and blame.
    No plan is right, no step is bold,
    Just the same old fear retold.

    And so we wait—again, we wait,
    With stomachs clenched and breath held tight.
    They count their votes, they weigh their gold,
    While we grow weary, sick, and cold.

    But we are here, we still remain,
    In every loss, in every name.
    They cannot silence what we see—
    Our fight, our truth, our dignity.

    And history will bear the weight,
    Of all we’ve lost, of all we’ve faced.
    Future voices, clear and strong,
    Will name this cruelty, call it wrong.

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      · 2 days ago
      Read every word! Briliant.  Thank you CaroA
      "The darkness is about to pass"
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    · 2 days ago
    it is possible to get transitional protection if you have a *good reason* for missing the deadline. it's part of the protections. the problem is, UC is imposed upon those with complex lives when it is a system that was set up for a comfortable claiment with enough savings to see them over the five weeks delay, which is totally manufacturered by the way, etc. 
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