How do you think Labour will treat disabled claimants if, as seems increasingly likely, they form the next government?  Will they be better or worse than the Conservatives?

Last week’s Labour party manifesto left our readers divided on what the future might be like for disabled claimants under Labour.  The document made few references to benefits and gave no clues as to what its attitude would be to major issues such as ESA to UC migration, proposed Green paper changes to PIP or how exactly the WCA might be reformed.

Many readers felt that Labour was just being cautious, because any hint of being soft on claimants would be jumped on by the right-wing press.

Others thought that Labour were saying little because they do not have anything positive to say to disability benefits claimants.  Some think there is little difference between the two parties and some commentors even believe that Labour would be worse news for claimants than the Conservatives.

Certainly, the manifesto could have offered some hope to, for example Carer’s Allowance claimants. A change to the current cliff edge earnings limit would not have major cost implications.

And, to ensure claimant safety, Labour could have offered to look again at the very tight ESA to UC migration deadline imposed on the DWP by the Conservatives.  Delaying the transfer would not cost anything, given that it was previously delayed to 2028 to save money.

Labour could also have stated in the manifesto that they would look at the Green paper proposals for PIP, but that it was unlikely that a voucher system or a catalogue would play any part in any future plans.  Again, this would not have had cost implications.

None of these undertakings would have offered much in the way of ammunition to the right wing press, but all of them would have reassured claimants that Labour would give them some respite from the current relentless attacks.

On the other hand, no part of Labour’s plans include cutting benefits in order to raise cash for other purposes, such as tax cuts.

And, whilst they have said they will replace or reform the WCA, they have not suggested that they will reform PIP.

So, if benefits will play a major part in deciding who you will vote for, readers will have to make an educated guess as to what Labour might do based on minimal information.

Knowing what other claimants are thinking may be helpful in reaching a decision.

So, please take part in our poll to tell us whether you think life would be easier, harder or much the same under Labour rather than the Conservatives and, if you wish, give your reasons in the comments section below.

You can only vote once and we’ll publish the results on Monday 1 July.

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    · 6 months ago
    All I hear from the tories are lies. They brought in the triple lock system three years ago, immediately reneged on it giving a meagre 2% pensions increase instead of the 8% . Also freezing the tax thresholds so that even the less well off start paying tax , whilst the rich pay less.  As for the abolition of stamp duty up to 420000, for first time buyers. That will benefit the rich more. Yet they don’t say where these cut are going to be paid
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    · 6 months ago
    I can't vote for labour after last time they were in but I don't overly believe in the Tories either. At least I know what is coming with the Tories and I just hope that after the consultation on the green paper is finished that they will see pip is more complicated that just 1 thing and if they want to overhaul it they have to be willing to use multiple different things to make it fair.
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    · 6 months ago
    Its just a mine field. 
    The labour say they want to change the whole system "yet again" 
    What about all the people that have these fresh rounds of tests to see if your able to keep getting PIP and Universal credit. 
    The worry alone, makes people sick to there stomach and cause anxiety and depression. 
    Just waiting for these people to get an excuse to kick people of there lists. 
    It's either they make it slightly better or there are going to be worse to be honest. 
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    · 6 months ago
    There's not what I  would say,any party that stands out. So better the devil we know.
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    · 6 months ago
    I'm very frightened.   I worried that on closer inspection that neither Sir Kier nor Ms Reeves understand what it is really like for those who cannot work.   Sir Keir speaks about his courageous mother battling on with her serious health concerns as a nurse (and the extra supportive environment I would hope that would have brought her). It's admirable but due to that experience he may very well be overestimating what others can do.  Some disabled people can go on to be in the Special Olympics - but most do not.  

    It's the same for those with mental health disabilities.  At times, there even seems to be an odd division between those amongst the disabled themselves - as if physical disabilities are more valid and deserving that severe mental illness - as society under the Conservatives, got the vulnerable fighting amongst themselves over the scraps.  It's a divide and conquer media spin that even some of the disabled fell for. BOTH are equally vulnerable and deserving.  

    I am worried that Ms Reeves is so focused on the "WORKING classes" and that the vulnerable will continue to be be tossed to the streets again.  Here's some coverage I have read that shows Ms Reeves approach - and even raises that her husband might work as  director for the DWP?  If he does, then it should engender more compassion in Ms Reeves but I've an awful feeling that it might just mean that money goes to recruiting more DWP staff? - and not directly to the claimants themselves who are heading for homelessness:

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    · 6 months ago
    Labour will be just the same if not harsher.
    They have got to get the money from somewhere as their sums don’t add up.
    All Governments always go for the easy route by hitting the disabled. As much as I don’t like the Conservatives ideas at least they have warned you whereas Labour has said nothing. Always be aware when no details are given in advance
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    · 6 months ago
    I would like to think Labour would be better than the nasty party,they could have came out and said something but would have jumped on by the Tories. Let hope if they try and do something similar it will be jumped on strait away let's hope they they have the sense not to do the same or similar. We will just have to wait and see.
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    · 6 months ago
    I'm afraid I remember, all too clearly, the last time Labour followed the Conservatives into power - who has dark memories of being 'bipped' again?  The distress it caused, drove me to write a letter to Tony Blair, asking him if he had any idea of the effect his words had on disabled people.  All the while, Tony B and his friends were insisting that all the re-assessment of benefits and rewriting of the eligibility criteria was something they had no control over as they'd promised prior to the election that they wouldn't scrap any policies that had been implemented by the previous administration.

    Well, not only didn't they scrap the policy, they added to them, but felt they weren't responsible for the pain and distress the policies were causing because it was the Conservative government who had created the plan and started its implementation.

    If anyone thinks things will be any different this time round, think again.  There really is nothing to choose between Labour and the Conservatives when it comes to their beliefs about sick or disabled people and their benefits. 

    To be honest, I don't feel I have anyone I can vote for.  We know what happens if you vote LD.  You get a coalition and the loudest voices make the policies, so expect the changes to carry on.

    And there simply won't be enough people voting Green for there to be any chance of a decent Green government and God help us all if reform get even a sniff of power.
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    · 6 months ago
    I can’t see that Labour will make any difference & possibly be worse which is a worry for any disabled person who deserves the financial help they need through no fault of their own
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    · 6 months ago
    Why have you not published anything from the thirds biggest party in parliament the snp ?
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      · 6 months ago
      @fibrolady SNP is the Scottish Parliament, so of course they will be up for election this time around, but you can only vote SNP in Scotland. Apologies if I have misunderstood, but the fact you asked if they were only in local elections led me to think that perhaps you were not in Scotland, because you would have known.
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      · 6 months ago
      @David Hodgon Totally agree with you. I'm not sure if SNP voting is only done in the local election or not. If SNP is an option for the coming election. They defo get my vote 1billion%
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    · 6 months ago
    because labour say littleI think it leabves them free do what they want after the election.
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    · 6 months ago
    I believe if the tories win the election not only will they scrap PIP for people with mental health issues they are also dismantling the NHS, the past 14 years they have destroyed this country for the poor and even middle class, they will continue to do so. I’m. not a fan of labour but I will be voting them as they are the only viable option to the tories, I do believe they will be more helpful for disabled people and invest in the NHS, housing crisis and the economy all will help people on benefits. So the choice is more of Sunak and his cronies who have been targeting and will continue to target disabled and mentally ill, as their track record has shown or give labour a chance because if not it’s more of the same. So I’m choosing to try Labour. 
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    · 6 months ago
    To all... Please don't argue amongst yourselves... There's an obvious common enemy!!!
    14 years of attacking the NHS, disabled schooling, all benefits, etc, tells it's own indisputable story...
    Tories out! We can then turn our attention to the incumbent administration and it's inevitable shortcomings...
    Or do any of you really want the status quo to continue with sunak or successor... Truss/Boris are still out there...
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    · 6 months ago
    Anyone in power always does just as they like & anyone sick/disabled or elderly are ALWAYS at the bottom of the pile & in my lifetime so far, with less time to live now than completed, I see no way this will ever change.

    We are & always have been the scourge on Society & blamed for rising costs, i worked hard as a single parent, not claiming a thing until i was 42, when a severe back problem left me incapable to work & knew nothing of what i was entitled to, i was left frightened & belittled by a scheme i thought was designed to help. On eventually receiving low rate of DLA. In 2016 at the age of 66 told i had to apply for PIP even though having a 'Certificate for Life' on DLA, just swept aside, assessment for PIP gruelling, awarded standard care, which 4 months later miraculously upped to the HIGH care rate, as someone had looked again & decided first award wrong!!

    The point in all this, is WHOEVER gets in will tear everthing apart AGAIN & it will be us who again suffers & at approaching 74 & constantly being reported etc & having to prove my right to have this pittance to help me & doing it for 30 years, i am tired, dissalusioned & totally fed up with a system that does not care.

    As far as Labour is concerned, i well remember the financial mess they left this Country in by borrowing, borrowing, borrowing the last time they were in power & yes taxes did go up & they did not deal with a worldwide pandemic then either that has torn every Country financially apart.

    I am not politically motivated for ANY Party. I just wish something was done by ANYBODY in power to listen to what a person's GP & Specialists say about a person being 'UNFIT TO WORK' sadly many are unable & are devastated we are no longer able to work & the pain, suffering & dark holes you plunge into because you feel you are no longer worthy, without Politicians, News Reporting & some members of the general public etc, through sheer ignorance of the lives genuine sick/disabled/elderly people have to live. Just listen to those people who KNOW the bodies of people who genuinely cannot work & use them to say so, INSTEAD as using us as scape goats for the finances of the Country & making us feel we should not have the right to life.
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      · 6 months ago
      @Lesley Thank you for expressing this so well and so sorry you have gone through this too.
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      · 6 months ago
      Hi Lesley with a big "L" 
      Your life sounds similar to mine and I absolutely agree wholeheartedly with what you have written on here.
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      · 6 months ago
      I saw the name Lesley and thought it was me!  Another Lesley.  Then I realised I sign lesley with a small "l".
      Hi Lesley :-)
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    · 6 months ago
    Very little difference between two party's. This Country needs a complete overhaul of its political system!
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      · 6 months ago
      @Joe Hastie The problem is there are more people without disabilities than with. 
      Only a compassionate government will work for disabled people, and the nearest you’re going to get realistically to that is labour.
      The best in manifesto's would be green, then labour, then lib dem, then move to Scotland and vote snp, then worst Tory, then a total nightmare reform.

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      · 6 months ago
      @Joe Hastie Definitely! Thanks to the totally unfit for purpose First Past the Post system of voting, we have a two party system. We need some form of PR to  get a true picture of what the electorate want
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    · 6 months ago
    I think labour will be less harsh than the conservatives would be if they got in again, but more harsh than the conservatives have been to date. So I opted for ‘as harsh’ on that basis… They have no remaining moral conscience or committment to social and human rights. If they can’t stand up against an actual genocide taking place in plain sight, I am not safe, my loved ones are not safe, no-one is safe from any lesser evil such as the relentless humiliating torment so many of us experience claiming benefts due to ill health, disability or any other need. They are committed to austerity. I hope as many people as possible vote green, or plaid, or snp, or progressive independent so that there are more mps to put the brakes on labour’s obvious intent to continue the process of destruction (thatcher onwards) of human, democratic and social rights, …not to mention the planet…
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    · 6 months ago
    Voucher system is degrading it feel like disabled people are being punished for being disabled and having extra needs, it is appallingly and cruel to the most vulnerable!!!
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    · 6 months ago
    We have to remove the 
    Tories! Labour are probably the only party able to do this... Otherwise that green paper goes through, to appease the right wing of the Tory party! But we need to be prepared for an attack on employment related benefits, as tax/spend plans don't really add up!
    Rock and a hard place situation, but I will vote Labour to stop the obviously disastrous green paper becoming law!
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    · 6 months ago
    I don’t believe we can trust the Labour party that hasn’t declared their intentions this close to the election. 
    It should be an essential part of every manifesto.
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    · 6 months ago
    Starmer's "Labour" will probably be even harsher than the Tories -- simply because of the very out-dated residual public memory of what "Labour" (allegedly) used to be meaning that they can more easily get away with it.  No reason to expect anything different with the likes of Cooper, Reeves, Byrne and Streeting at the top, and agenda continuity being ensured by Whitehall in any case. 
    In reality, Starmer of the Trilateral Commission's so-called "Labour Party" is in all ways every bit as determined as the Tories (plus other neoliberals) to further transform Britain into a servile duplicate of the worst aspects of the USA, regardless of what the UK general public actually want.

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