Benefits and Work has updated our members’ guide to ‘Successful ESA to UC Managed Migration’ to take account of current claimant concerns.

In general, the impression we are getting from feedback from members is that managed migration is progressing relatively smoothly, at least in terms of very few people now being asked to produce fit-notes or agree to work commitments when having been in the support group.

But it is still very early in the process of moving 60,000+ ESA claimants onto UC every month and only time will tell whether the DWP have invested enough is support processes and visiting staff to be able to cope with demand from more vulnerable claimants.

In the meantime, we have added the following items to the troubleshooting section of the managed migration guide:

  • You were receiving contribution-based ESA and the DWP have moved you to ‘New-Style ESA’
  • You have moved to UC and have now realised you should have been receiving more irESA (or other legacy benefits) before you moved
  • You are having a deduction from your UC housing costs element for a spare bedroom or the wrong rate of local housing allowance is being applied.
  • You rent a property but were not receiving Housing Benefit before you moved to UC
  • Your partner is being asked to look for work when they did not have to do this on legacy benefits
  • Your legacy benefits run-on lasted for more than 2 weeks and the DWP say you have to pay the extra money back
  • Help! I’m having deductions from my UC for debts I didn’t know I had!

We’ve also updated the guide to “Employment & Support Allowance and Universal Credit Claims On Physical and Mental Health Grounds” which covers the WCA in great detail.  We’ve added a step-by-step system for completing each of the “Use this space” boxes, more information about issues that may be covered at an assessment and more about what HAAS health professionals are told about each activity in their handbook.

Members can download both guides from this page  


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 11 days ago
    I’ve been asked by DWP to justify my permitted work in order to keep receiving ESA. I’ve never had do do this before, any advice?

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    · 11 days ago
    What prep should I do before attempting to do UC online form. My ESA benefit rise doesn't go up till April. Same with my local council rent. My deadline for migration is may don't want to leave it till last minute. Someone said you can update these details on your journal when you get them. Don't know how long to leave it before attempting to do the UC citizens advice said it depends.some people leave it as long as possible.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 11 days ago
      @Liz It's understandable wanting not to leave things to the last minute, but try to wait until after the changes to your esa and rent, so you get the extra at the start of your UC award. If you migrate before the rises you will not get the extra money when your rent and esa go up - it will be subtracted from your transitional protection. Check this out if you can with an advisor, it's difficult to explain.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 11 days ago
    Can someone tell me where do you upload documents on your UC account. Do you go to the to do list and upload anything. Tried going to journal but nothing tells u there 
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      · 10 days ago
      @Astee Upload my ID proof driving license and council tax. Any medical letters they might want to see
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 11 days ago
      @Angel You can’t. You need to explain on your journal what you want to upload and request a link from them to upload. 
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      · 11 days ago
      @Angel Hi, what do you need to upload? 
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    · 12 days ago
    For many of us who need disability benefits, the story didn’t start with illness or injury—it started long before, in childhoods where we became adults too soon. I grew up learning how to keep the world from falling apart, where ordinary worries were overshadowed by the weight of survival. Instead of playing or dreaming, I was working—whether it was caring for others, managing household chores, or finding ways to hold everything together when the adults around me couldn’t. I learned early how to step into roles no child should have to fill, taking on responsibilities that felt more like a job than a childhood.

    When adulthood came, I did what I thought I was supposed to do—I tried to fit in, to work hard, to thrive. I wore the mask of normality, even when the fractures beneath were deep. I pushed myself to be the reliable friend, the diligent employee, the person who could hold it all together. But beneath the surface, so much of my energy went into keeping the past from swallowing me whole.

    Now, needing support feels exposing. I know that to many, I might just seem like a person who isn’t coping well enough or trying hard enough. But what they don’t see are the decades of effort, the years of pushing through, the hidden cost of appearing okay. They don’t see how much of my adult life has been about managing the fallout from a childhood and adolescence that affected me so much.

    I’ve come to realize that asking for help isn’t a weakness—it’s a strength. It’s an acknowledgment that, after carrying so much for so long, the weight has become too heavy. It’s finding the courage to say that I can’t keep up the impossible standards I’ve held myself to.

    I am not just a claimant or a statistic. I am a person with a story—a survivor of a past that took too much, an adult who tried their best, and someone who, despite everything, is still here. Still reaching out, still hoping, still worthy.
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      · 4 days ago
      @Maureen Thank you Maureen much appreciated. 
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      · 6 days ago
      @CaroA I hear your pain and your struggle and underrtand that this process and the worry of it can seem like one step too far.
      Bless you, I'm sorry for your struggles.

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      · 10 days ago
      @Beccs ❤️
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      · 10 days ago
      @CaroA Wonderfully expressed, thank you for sharing that because being thst open about tgat kind of thing is hard for lots of folk.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 11 days ago
      @CaroA @CaroA, xxx
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    · 12 days ago
    Hi all right I see the news about the 87 condition the government want to do that is Labour Party cut it buy 5 billion or 10billon the question is if they do this where is the money going to go to that what I want to know beacuse I’m disabled person and people be move in debt and poverty and more thanks 
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    · 12 days ago
    My doctor suggested I should apply for pip but I know the nightmare it is . Going to the assessment and waiting. The whole process. People have been waiting months to get assessed or getting a decision. 
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      · 11 days ago
      @Sal It can be stressful but use all that is available in this guide, find an advocate if you need more help and you will be fine. Do a little at a time and once touve sent forms of try as best you can to put it to the back of your mind until you hear something-i know easier said than done, but worrying and stressing about the unknown only makes the process harder. There is a lot of support in here, use it and good luck!
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      · 11 days ago
      @Sal If you need the money, do it!  As, in the future, you might need it more than today, but by then, you might not have the strenght, not just phisical but also mental to do it.   Get ready using this and other websites.  Call Scope charity helpline, they've been fantastic help, to me in the past, too! 
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      · 11 days ago
      Hi sal, I suggest just to get the form by phoning and asking for it. claim starts that day (just online a brief list of disabilities/ailments). 0800 121 4433
      You have support from your doc, which is unheard of, so take the opportunity to ask them for a report. 
      Watch youtube vids with help on each descriptor.
      stuart mcgoo
      pip secrets
      Mike Bolton Benefits Training
      dynamic duo uk

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 12 days ago
    Just received my migration letter to move from ESA to UC. I tried citizens advice.they can only help me over the phone with online claim not in person. Don't have access to internet at home I told them. Can't get through to my local jobcentre. No body in my local library to help. I'm panicking now. I've got till mid may. But want to get it done. Nerves a wreck.  Was told can make a claim over the phone but don't know if it's the same as online.  

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 10 days ago
      @dmwors How long does it roughly take to complete a Online UC claim if u are only claiming for your self. Will have to use my libraries computers. 
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      · 10 days ago
      @BOB Is this contribution base esa?
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      · 10 days ago
      @Astee @michael. Thanks for that what maybe simple for some people not to others not nice thing to say
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 11 days ago
      @dmwors Thanks, @dmwors, useful extra info there about being able to phone in addition to online journal.
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      · 11 days ago
      @dmwors Can anyone explain what this online journal is? Thanks
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 13 days ago
    Managed migration hasn’t been a smooth ride for me; been harassed for fit notes by the job centre,  not agreeing to pay my social housing rent directly to my landlord even when I have explained that I have had problems with this in the past, only paying me the standard rate of UC, no LCWRA payment or transitional protection added even though I have transitioned from the support group ESA. I must be the exception.
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      · 10 days ago
      @Dan Just starting my own migration but just wanted to say that I hope you get it sorted. Horribly stressful for you. If I had to do it alone I'd be totally confused even if they got it right so I totally sympathise! Have the CAB Help to Claim line been able to help at all? Its a scandal! 
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      · 11 days ago
      @Dan Hi. I helped a family member and had the same experience having to involve an MP but by the time I migrated I had learnt that when you apply your details take a while to transfer across from ESA to UC so you have to assume when you apply that they know nothing about you and once applied write on journal that you are being transferred from ESA support group so will not be required to supply fit notes or seek employment and also for them to take reasonable adjustments with regard to appointments due to disabilities. I believe the migration has been rushed and UC workers have no knowledge of ESA so treat migrants same as people going onto UC (LCW). This is where the problem lies! 
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      · 11 days ago
      @Dan Sorry to hear you are having such issues, Unfortunately you are not the exception. I had months of back and forth with UC when i migrated as my payments were totally messed up it was a nighmare. Jist keep at it and dont let them fob you off! Good luck!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 12 days ago
      @rookie @rookie Why don’t you ask him then?I will find out on Friday anyway when it’s my turn for the shambles 
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      · 12 days ago
      @James h @James h, did Dan say he'd backed down?
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    · 13 days ago
    Mine is being done on Friday  will give an update after that got the passport ready recent esa letter water bill Tenency agreement let’s hope everything goes ok and I won’t be backing down if I get asked about the fit notes either 
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      · 10 days ago
      @Linda Its nuts, really! Folk in the SG are the least blooming likely to have a passport or driving licence! I haven't been abroad since 2009 and I barely cope in hospitals in the UK in a medical crisis as it is. Two separate brain injuries 19 years apart one thanks to NHS negligence left me with cerebral palsy - the DVLA are about as likely to send me to Mars as give me a driving licence! 
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      · 10 days ago
      @Linda They will phone or arrange for a couple of people to come out and see him to verify his ID
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      · 10 days ago
      @Ash What if you haven't got a passport or driving licence, no photo ID? My son has neither and can't leave home to go to a job centre either
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      · 11 days ago
      @Ash @Ash I can’t believe it’s finally time I been able to avoid universal credit for years nearly had to go on it back in 2016 but it wasnt fully out in my area then 
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      · 11 days ago
      @James h As part of ID you need for UC online claim I used driving licence with photo and council letter uploaded it on my memory stick. Having a go on Monday using my local library hopefully it will go ok. Don't know how long it will take. I've written everything down what info I will need. Just take a deep breath before starting it 
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