Benefits and Work has updated our members’ guide to ‘Successful ESA to UC Managed Migration’ to take account of current claimant concerns.

In general, the impression we are getting from feedback from members is that managed migration is progressing relatively smoothly, at least in terms of very few people now being asked to produce fit-notes or agree to work commitments when having been in the support group.

But it is still very early in the process of moving 60,000+ ESA claimants onto UC every month and only time will tell whether the DWP have invested enough is support processes and visiting staff to be able to cope with demand from more vulnerable claimants.

In the meantime, we have added the following items to the troubleshooting section of the managed migration guide:

  • You were receiving contribution-based ESA and the DWP have moved you to ‘New-Style ESA’
  • You have moved to UC and have now realised you should have been receiving more irESA (or other legacy benefits) before you moved
  • You are having a deduction from your UC housing costs element for a spare bedroom or the wrong rate of local housing allowance is being applied.
  • You rent a property but were not receiving Housing Benefit before you moved to UC
  • Your partner is being asked to look for work when they did not have to do this on legacy benefits
  • Your legacy benefits run-on lasted for more than 2 weeks and the DWP say you have to pay the extra money back
  • Help! I’m having deductions from my UC for debts I didn’t know I had!

We’ve also updated the guide to “Employment & Support Allowance and Universal Credit Claims On Physical and Mental Health Grounds” which covers the WCA in great detail.  We’ve added a step-by-step system for completing each of the “Use this space” boxes, more information about issues that may be covered at an assessment and more about what HAAS health professionals are told about each activity in their handbook.

Members can download both guides from this page  


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 7 days ago
    Rehashing the same talking points for some 8 weeks now, the Financial Times is using that, and that survey of 1,401 people, to for calling for massive benefit reforms. Claiming some 200,000 people are being trapped by disability benefits.  "UK needs to tackle ‘unaffordable’ benefits system, says employment minister"
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    · 8 days ago
    I'm the 51 yr old who posted before btw.
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    · 8 days ago
    I'm on UC and LCWRA and this is terrifying the hell out of me I've been on this for just over 30yrs with mental health issues first and physical issues coming in over the last  6 to 7 yrs. I don't know what I'll do if they pull the plug on me. I'll be well and truly up the creek.
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    · 8 days ago
    Type into Google what is chance to work guarantee there some information people should read 
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    · 8 days ago
    Yes your right I've heard that aswel think they getting as many people as possible on it because if it's right what I'm reading if they scrap lcwra group and they bring in chance to work guarantee this year they can start trying to help people into work without losing their benefits for 6 months and if it doesn't work out you can Go back onto your benefits if you type into Google are the government going to start chance to work guarantee it will tell you it's starting in 2025 but we will see 
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      · 7 days ago
      @Charger 7 I'm 62 and my health issues won't get better I hope they will leave me alone but we will see. Wish I could retire soon . 
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      · 7 days ago
      @Charger 7 "if it doesn't work out you can Go back onto your benefits"

      If what doesn't work out, one job? Surely they will tell you to find another. And then another and another. I can imagine they will make it very difficult for you to go back on to benefits, there will be strict terms and conitions. Yes I'm highly sceptical, you've got to be with the DWP! If a person isn't they are incredibly naive with this lot.
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    · 9 days ago
    I was told by someone who works at jobcentre plus that staff are overloaded with people wanting help to make UC claims. She said that they have had alot of complaints from people who can't get hold of anyone on the citizens advice help to claim lines. People have been phoning everyday waiting ages and still not getting through. Labour are in such a rush trying to get everyone onto UC they are not realising it's causing chaos. And people with mental health issues. Hate to think how it's affecting them it needs pausing and rethinking.
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    · 9 days ago
    There was a mention that there are a million "neets" neither employed or in training or higher education in the age group of 18-25, Labour will target that cohort in these coming reforms, I think they've already mentioned it in their "get Britain working" paper.
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    · 9 days ago
    We can but hope coz I'm 51
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      · 8 days ago
      @rookie The Birmingham Mail article is a article that is simply reporting a DWP press release and copying it to all Reach PLC newspapers. Chaminda Jayanetti's article for the Big Issue is real journalism, and well worth a read. Chaminda has been very good at reporting the truth about the DWP and benefits.
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      · 8 days ago
      @Rik @Rik, re your couple of posts below -  so the B'ham Mail and Big Issue are clairvoyant now? That is scary 😂 Check your dates.
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      · 8 days ago
      @Rik *But know is not time for a ‘I’m alright Jack’ attitude.
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      · 9 days ago
      @Neil Cook The DWP had that survey done to help manufacture consent for cuts; they asked a very small group size, and got back that those in the group over 50 didn't think they'd ever work again. B
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 9 days ago
    Apparently DWP interested in getting under 50s back to work so the majority of us should escape the dragnet
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      · 7 days ago
      @Kuju2 They probably would leave you alone due to your physical condition, not your age, hopefully
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      · 7 days ago
      @Bert I was told by Scope that at 62, by the time they got round to assessing me they probably wouldn't push and are aiming at the younger people. This was a Scope welfare expert.
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      · 8 days ago
      @Bert THanks for  that.  I am 62 and nowhere near able to work right now. Mental health worse than it's ever been.
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      · 8 days ago
      @Bert Here's hoping Bert.
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      · 8 days ago
      @The Dogmother I think all these proposals could be bogged down in the courts for years anyway 
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    · 10 days ago
    Was told by CA to wait till April till I make a claim for UC my migration letter came deadline is may 21st I don't know till April what my new rent amount will be or new ESA rates so they suggested wait till then to have correct details on UC claim form. I wanted to get it done sooner but that's what they told me. 
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      · 8 days ago
      @Sue Correct. Or your transistional element will be eroded immediately when the 1.7% increase takes effect in April.
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      · 9 days ago
      @Sue @Sue, the CA are right - you will maximise your UC award by getting the most you can for your rent after it goes up, and transitional protection for esa at the new rate.
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      · 10 days ago
      @Sue That's right, Sue, go with what CA said so you get new higher rent and esa with your UC award, at least for 2025/26. 
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    · 10 days ago
    Charger7 thx for your help . And i definitely no working with a work coach definitely won’t work for me I still have epilepsy seizures where I sit down&blackout for a few minutes and that’s what makes my headache last a few days a week .plus with my with my special needs am not good with reading writing adding up and spelling. My cerebral palsy means my right side of my body is in none stop pain. To me wrap it up My first msg and this one I told my sister what to write and she has done them not me thx again 
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      · 10 days ago
      @Tom No probs Tom you have to many complex issues they have to protect the most vulnerable they will be pushing disabled into work but they have to draw the line for certain people so I believe you will be fine mate 
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    · 11 days ago
    Dave dee once again speaking the truth. I have a multiple special needs&cerebral palsy&epilepsy.and i get really bad headaches that last 2/3 days I cant work. I get pip And yes I to though Labour would be kind to disabled people but with Liz kendell is charge I worry for the future. All of you say safe 
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      · 10 days ago
      @Tom @Tom I’m never voting Labour again 
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      · 10 days ago
      @Tom Think you will be okay tom you have a lot of issues going on they said they would protect the most vulnerable but I was reading last year before labour came into power that they were going to see what you can do and can't do and there was going to be a major overhaul of sickness benefits and yes I do believe they going to scrap WCA and sounds like duty to engage means you will have to engage with work coach but all this won't happen overnight it will take a longer time they also mentioned that you could try work and Go back on benefits without reasesment I dreading it myself I'm an amputee and had 2 strokes but I don't think we will lose our money just like that 
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      · 10 days ago
      @Tom Thankyou Tom , well said , well spoken too .... s x .... 
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    · 11 days ago
    I read CaroA's comment/testimony and it reminds me of the person I care for, he was run over and his life changed in a blink of an eye, the broken bones healed but he suffered a head injury and brain damage. 

    Did he want to be disabled? No, does he want to be on benefits? No and he would give it all away just to be 100% fit and working as it isn't living it's just existing. So it gets my goat when the media and politicians pour scorn onto disabled people out of work. 
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      · 10 days ago
      @Dave Dee Thank you it's incredible how unseen so many of us are.  Gaslighting has become an art form with them. I'm so sorry about your friend. He sounds like a brave person struggling to survive please send him all my best wishes for as good a day as he can have today.
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    · 11 days ago
    Q. We have 2 bedrooms, but because I sometimes have overnight carers my council waives the Bedroom Tax.
    How does this work with UC??
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      · 10 days ago
      @Peter Apologies,  I didn't realise the OP was of pension age.
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      · 10 days ago
      @Ross To make it clear, this is the law. Councils must offer 100% council tax reduction if pensioners are eligible for a reduction. IIRC once they qualify, it's not affected by their income or savings.

      This is quite different to how other people are treated and the government of the time ensured it was this way.
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      · 10 days ago
      @Michael Actually pensioners can ge 100% council tax reduction. When the scheme was brought in, the government were too afraid of the pensioner vote to apply the changes to them. 
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      · 11 days ago
      @Ross Mine wont tolerate that.
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      · 11 days ago
      @Ross The same applies, however, no council offers 100% CT reduction on UC. You will most likely get a 75% reduction. You need to select this option (regarding bedroom tax) when it asks you on your online application as part of the questions about housing. I'm assuming you will need to provide evidence, although I cannot be certain.
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    · 11 days ago
    My migration has been far from smooth cause we don't have a reliable Internet connection we had to do a phone claim that was helped with Cab on the call with us. Since then the first 2 week 19 calls with UC and advisers on the call not writing up notes correctly 5 weeks in first payment but not all the rent got paid so had to do an MR this was done with council assistance as once again the call line advisors not writing up notes, once this was sorted we where then told everything is done now not to worry however 2nd payment came and it was over paid we called them straight away and asked to pay the money back was told no have to speak to work coach they have to agree how much to pay back and then call a debt team to sort out repayment 2 days later got letter from debt team wanting not just the over payment back but also our rent called again 3 calls this time but again only one call had notes on the account they have now agreed that we are correct tge debt team have the amount wrong but still cannot pay back the over payment until a form is sent to the debt team to change the amount which can take 10 days
    . This is worse than my experience with pip the stress this has caused me is beyond words I am dreading them paying me next month as it will be more phone calls told them I want to make a complaint and was hung up on now we have been told to complain we have to go to gov website site to put a complaint in about UC but that it can take a long time to get a response to that if we ever do horrendous system especially for disabled people 
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    · 11 days ago
    Many people are referring to an online journal … can someone explain what this is please? Thanks
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      · 11 days ago
      @Mj It's what your universal credit online account is basically. You can write messages to your work coach or whoever it is that checks it when you don't have a work coach, and they can send messages to you. If you are ok with tech stuff it's actually a much less stressful way if communicating than letters because you don't have to worrying that they got lost and you don't have to deal with phones 
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      · 11 days ago
      @Mj It's in your UC account and gives you different options to contact the DWP to ask them about things you want to clear up, or for them to contact you. 

      I generally use the "contact work coach" even though I am on LWCRA and don't have a work coach as such. I find it's actually pretty good for communication and they get back to you usually within a day. Rather than waiting in a que for the phone to connect.

      You normally receive a email notification to check your online UC account if they've sent you a message or reply to your query.
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    · 11 days ago
    Just Switched And Found Out Housing Benefits And Council Tax Is Not Back Dated So Left With a 7 Week Short Fall And Going To Be In Debt On My Rent And Council Tax
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      · 9 days ago
      @Alex That's abit rough
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      · 11 days ago
      @Alex Correction: you need to contact your council regarding CT
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      · 11 days ago
      @Alex Furthermore, your CT has nothing to do with UC. It had nothing to do with ESA, either. Ct is through local government, I.e your council, not central government, I.e UC. They were devolved years back.

      You need to contact your council regarding UC.
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      · 11 days ago
      @Alex You receive MORE in housing in actual fact. Once you complete your UC form online, your housing claim closes. 2 weeks later you get a 2 week run off payment. Approx 3 weeks after that, you receive A FULL MONTHS rent as UC pays in arrears, so in effect, you are a week better off.

      You are either getting confused with the process or have spent your housing without realising it was the 2 week run off money for housing.

      I can assure you, you are up, not down.