A panicked Rachel Reeves has said she will give more details of Labour’s plans for benefits next week, well ahead of the Spring statement on 26 March.

As Labour struggles with the highest sustained government borrowing costs for decades, they are desperate to get the markets on their side by convincing them they have real plans for increasing growth and cutting spending.

So, Reeves  told the Sun on Sunday that next week she will “expose how the Conservatives lost complete control of the benefits bill – with a project overspend of more than £8 billion”

Reeves went on to say that “Sun on Sunday readers will agree, as a country we cannot keep footing the bill for the spiralling numbers of people out of work.”

She added that “This is an urgent problem. It can’t be ignored. We can’t walk around it, as the Tories did. We’ve got to grip it, once and for all. That’s why we’re setting out our detailed plans before Easter.”

Reeves will be making her statement on Wednesday.  It remains to be seen how much detail will actually be revealed, but we’ll publish a full account of any benefits-related content as soon as possible after Reeves’ speech..

For updates on Reeves' statement follow this link


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    I’ve just seen that the nom-dons are getting all the sympathy whilst diasbled claimants are being treated like the scourge of society! This Labour government are beyond cruel, and we’re all being penalised for organised gangs who play the system, like the one recently discovered. Yes, by all means stamp out fraud, yes by all means ensure people who are genuinely scamming the system get punished but do not tar everyone with the same brush! 
    When will those in charge realise that being ill and disabled isn’t a lifestyle choice! 
    We’re all in for a very bumpy ride, but we need to rise up, our voices need to be heard. 
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    · 1 months ago
    Remember, Labour won't try and get disabled people into work or off of benefits. They just want to get everyone on the lowest level of UC - that alone is enough to show they have "saved money" and make the markets happy.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Limbolife My guess is that those already in the LCWRA group and higher groups of PIP will see less and less reassessments anyway as it's not financially viable to reassess someone who they know is never likely to get better.   It's just throwing money away.  Yes, maybe a certain percentage might be downgraded, but by the time you factor in the cost of reconsiderations and appeals, it really doesn't gain them anything.  I would also assume that PIP will be more focussed on physical conditions and it will be harder to get it for mental health conditions.   I have both physical and mental health conditions, but, in all honesty, my bipolar (albeit relatively kept in check) doesn't cost me much extra money to live on each month in the way the physical condition does - and extra costs that we need are what PIP is really all about.   
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      · 1 months ago
      @darinfan I disagree. This is about what markets want to see. So a massive multi-million pound contract for ATOS etc. to undertake more reviews would be seen as good, even if it technically increases DWP spending. This is why Labour want to get people off of the ESA/UC LCWRA on to the JSA basic level. It's all smoke and mirrors. Yes PIP will be hit too, in a similar way.
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      · 1 months ago
      @darinfan I think they’ll link the health element of uc to a Pip claim, hopefully new claimants only…
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      · 1 months ago
      @Rik Yes, but that's easier said than done.  All those assessments will cost money, and most of those decisions will still be reversed at the appeals stage.  How many people will need to be reassessed in order to get just one person moving groups?   I think the changes will happen to PIP rather than UC.  PIP is about extra money it costs us to live by being disabled or ill.   They could easily argue that the actual extra cost of some conditions is going to be considerably less than for other illnesses.   The argument will likely be made that mental health issues cost less extra than physical health issues, and so a third or fourth level of PIP might be introduced to factor that in.  I'm not saying that's right, but just that it's something they COULD do.  Either way, they have to do SOMETHING because the bill can't keep rising as it is.   There are 5000 new PIP awards each month, but there were only 2500 five years ago.  That clearly can't continue. 
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    · 1 months ago
    Not going to happen can see this going back to high court they can't rush nothing .
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      · 1 months ago
      @MrFibro The government aren't above the law.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Lill High court can do & say what they like.  DWP / goverment will just simply ignore them.
      Everyone is in everyone's pockets.
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    · 1 months ago
    Good grief !!
    In one breath they're claiming to be working with disabled people and groups to get the benefit system right for us.
    As if they care - then she comes out with this dark and threatening rant practically demonising claiments.
    I worry about what these people are planning but I worry more about their incompetence.
    The author of this article is right.
    This is a panicked knee jerk reaction.
    Unfortunately Starmers career is littered with incompetence and ill thought out decisions.
    She is no better than him.
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      · 1 months ago
      @MrFibro No, the City, just as they did with Truss. If you want to know why the calibre of MP's is so poor now, it's because everyone knows who holds the power ...
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      · 1 months ago
      @Jon Exactly, who is really pulling the strings ! Labour or the Tories.  Or are they both in it together.
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    · 1 months ago
    Reevesbot5000 “bring back modern slavery”
    Social security is a human right. Can’t foot the bill for human rights then it’s not competent leadership. Have you thought about rent controls so people can actually live when in work? Maybe they won’t get so sick..
    What next, abolish the modern slavery act because it’s not financially justifiable?
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    · 1 months ago
    It’s just been in the news that business are set to cut jobs. I don’t see how businesses, already getting rid of staff they’ve already hired, are going to be willing to take the risk of hiring sick and disabled people. Or are we talking about modern slavery like when Jobcentres forced claimants to work in Poundland?
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      · 1 months ago
      @darinfan They don't want us back into work they just wantbus assesed as being able to work, that way they can remove the £400 extra payment. Job seekers would cost them significantly less. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @MrFibro I believe the long term goal of neo-liberal governments like this one is to reduce our standard of living to that of China, India etc so as to make it more financially competitive for Western companies, increasing their share of world market profits.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Guest This is the problem with getting disabled back to work - the amount it's actually going to cost.  How much will it cost to make sure every firm has disabled toilets, or grab rails around the offices?  How about transport?  Buses have one or two spaces reserved for wheelchairs and pushchairs to use.  If all these disabled people are going back to work, the transport system woudl need to change, too.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Guest Ironic Reeves went over to China.  Slave labour ring any bells ?
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    · 1 months ago
    punching down on the sick and disabled. nice. even worse than the tories!. anyone who fell for labours lies and voted labour hoping for change well as you can see this lot are even worse. very very bad politics, starmer and the whole cabinet completely clueless, they have gone after everyone from the pensioners to farmers and even though the public have in general disagreed with all these tax hikes and cuts etc they have implemented so far it all falls on deaf ears. starmer reeves etc dont actually care, they are like robots and should not be politicians. disgraceful
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      · 1 months ago
      @sausage belly They are probably being paid off by the rich - David Cameron earned £10 million in his first year after he stopped being PM.  Compare that to the £150k salary they get, and it's clear where their allegiances lie. 

      Rishi Sunak's father in law is one of the richest people in the world, so his salary is literally pocket change to him. 

      I'll bet my savings that Starmer will get a highly paid job after leaving office.  Our politicians are owned by the institutions these days, which is why they won't tax them fairly, and always go after the sick and disabled.  It's disgusting, we need real change. 
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    · 1 months ago
    My conscious is clear I voted for the green party. This current Labour government are just if not more cruel than the previous tory governments. People was warned about them 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Adama I tried telling people, but their reply was "green won't get in".  It was clear that Starmer was bought and paid for, and I originally feared they'd be Tory light, but it now seems that they're every bit as bad. 

      If enough people voted for Green they'd get in, I really don't see how people don't get that. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Adama me too. after my local labour authority cut disability council tax support from 100% to 50% last year  making me nearly a grand a year worse off i knew what this lot would be like and voted green
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    · 1 months ago
    really worries for those over working age and  its ramifications
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      · 1 months ago
      @MrFibro I think they might be coming after Pension Credit.

      Got a DWP letter early Dec, Headed About Your Pension Credit, saying 'we need to make sure you're getting the right amount of PC'. The current amount of PC is based on what you told us when you applied' (3 yrs ago)-'we now need to check this information to keep our records up to date.'
      So, what they want is details of savings and investments, housing costs, personal or work related pensions, and any other income. And will contact by phone or letter. Only signed 'Office Manager' 

      Since anyone is obligated to report a change of circumstances, and faces fraud accusations and loss of benefit, this all sounds very hollow and sketchy. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @pusscatsmum What worries me is, will they hack away at the state pension, and or will they start clobbering pension credits.

      After that I cannot see what else labour can penny pinch on.
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    · 1 months ago
    I don't watch the tv and stuff but I just heard that everyone is going to be forced to have digital ID via their mobiles, advertised deceptively by mentioning driving licences, and a few other gov things... then an extremely pointed attack on disabled ppl something about taking licences away?

    there are so so so many things wrong with this. MObiles are not in any way secure devices, they can be cloned, infected etc. and they are easily and increasingly stolen.
    then on top of that what most ppl do not realise e.g you are driving or someplace a police officer asks for your id. you are going to have to pass your device over to them... do you realise you have now consented for them to search your device? it's true, they could even cloane it, or basically do what they want with it....

    THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.... it can't be allowed and this war against us by succesive govermnets must end... I wouldn't mid if I could work, I hate not wworking.. but I am not well and deffenatly not safe to work with as sadly far too many of us are... the last thing the worst thing is being made to feel like a criminal all the time
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    · 1 months ago
    You can't just make sick people magically well enough to work again! What is it about our environment - toxic culture at work, air pollution - that is making people ill? Because believe me almost nobody would settle for a life on benefits (with all the sneering you have to put up with starting with DWP staff) and constantly worrying about your bills unless they had to.

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    · 1 months ago
    Ok so if the overspend is 8 billion, how come there are reports of more billions unclaimed that people are entitled to? What is going on?! 
    I agree, we all suffer through Covid and then they expect us, as a nation, to be fighting fit. No care given whatsoever. No thought to how anxiety and depression can immobilise you mentally and physically. 
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    · 1 months ago
    I laughed at the bit that says "we can't walk around it" but she wants to send those of us who can't even walk at all out to a workplace that isn't accessible😡
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      · 1 months ago
      @GailMarie Majority of the UK is unfit for disabled people  in a workplace period.

      Labour is just penny pinching, their bending the knee to the rich, elite & the corrupt people of our society.
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    · 1 months ago
    Tax the billionaires!
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      · 1 months ago
      @Michael Nonsense, you clearly don't understand how it works. 

      Amazon paid £18 million in tax the other year, after doing over £27 billion in business in the UK.  That's NOT their fair share. 

      The arguement is that they invest in infrastructure and jobs, but arguably they would have had to do that anyway. 

      Then there's American companies like Uber, Just Eat, Deliveroo, AirBNB etc that are acting as middlemen and taking over every facet of our lives.  Hotels, BnBs, food deliveries, taxis, the list goes on.  The workers get paid a pittance, and these companies essentially get paid for doing nothing.  They take a cut when you have a pizza delivered from a local business to your house, it's nuts. 

      We only need to look around the average high street to see the results - boarded up shops everywhere.  The small business owner can't compete these days, and it's only going to get worse. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Michael Michael-Rubbish no government has effectively taxed the rich!
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      · 1 months ago
      @CarolK Agreed, but that wont happen. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @CarolK They have. And so have business' They left and now the economy tanks because with it, they retake investment and jobs, which is where taxes come from, which pays your disability.

      You're basically requesting for your money to be reduced.

      Nice one.
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      · 1 months ago
      @CarolK You can't tax the rich, that's communism (apparently)! How will Tarquin and Jocasta afford their fourth Mediterranean cruise of the year if they have to pay slightly more? We just can't put up with that sort of grinding poverty.
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    · 1 months ago
    I have written 3 times on here recently , very recently , denied sindication . Not one bit controversial. Terrible denied by your own !!
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      · 1 months ago
      @S You're not the only one. It's a frequent occurrence. Gotta ask what are the moderators so scare of? Someone suing for libel? 
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    · 1 months ago
    They really are competing for the "nasty party" label, I don't know why they don't go the whole hog and do a full-on Trump. And following reports that she'd listened to non-doms and decided she was a bit harsh so was reining back the plans to make them actually pay some tax, the blow was even harder. 

    Starmer reckons he wants to be PM for 10 years. I can't think of a single group he has made angry! But worse, people are fed up with the major parties and moving towards the slick promises of Reform, which really would be disastrous for anyone ill or disabled.
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      · 1 months ago
      @JJ yet no doubt mr farage took every single benefit his european job offered him whilst at the same time hating it.the bottom line is these type of folks love benefits,when they dont even need them.but conversely they despise folks whom claim benefits from a position of desperation.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Jane 10 years! Talk about being utterly clueless. Won't last 10 months. He's even naive enough to believe Rachel from accounts is doing a good job. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Jane Reform are the Tories from the 1980s, the likes of Farage came from the Thatcherite wing, these people do not like any benefits claimants of any variety.

      I agree with Mr Fibro, both the Tories and Labour are just 50 shades of Blair, by the way Thatcher called Blair her "greatest achievement".
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 months ago
      @Rik The Blair years continue even to this day.  But I can't say on here, as they kill my posts.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Jane I think they are in league with each other.
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    · 1 months ago
    Reeves is the architect of her own. Making by claiming there was a black hole and causing borrowings to cost more she has set of a downward spiral by her own negativity over the economy and hamstringing her opinions to raise taxes when needed
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      · 1 months ago
      @James You're absolutely right.
      They immediately blew confidence with their doom and gloom.
      Incompetence beyond belief
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    · 1 months ago
    Rachel Reeves no doubt by Christmas she'll be doing I'm a celebrity get me out of here!
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    · 1 months ago
    Cutting benefits stops money going back into the economy. Needless to say I am absolutely terrified with being ill physically and mentally plus a vulnerable person. Think is beyond bullying 
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    · 1 months ago
    Reeves has done it again where she has fiscally boxed her self in again!

    Lord almighty! Why did Starmer hire her! She's really bad 
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