Labour have today introduced a bill which will give the DWP powers of entry, search and seizure and will oblige banks to check their datasets for evidence of benefit fraud by customers.

The Public Authorities (Fraud, Error and Recovery) Bill mimics previous Conservative government legislation, which failed due to the calling of an early election by Rishi Sunak.

In a statement to the House of Commons today, Liz Kendall, secretary of state for work and pensions, explained that amongst the bill’s provisions are:

  • Powers of entry, search and seizure for DWP staff where there is a suspicion of serious organised crime. 
  • Giving the DWP the power to apply to courts for a Suspended Driving Disqualification Order, to disqualify a person who owes the DWP money from holding a driving licence.
  • Through the DWP’s Eligibility Verification Measure, require banks and other financial institutions to examine their own data sets to highlight where someone may not be eligible for the benefits that are being paid.
  • The DWP claim that there are safeguards built into the new measures.

Entry, search and seizure powers will be subject to independent inspection and complaints procedures.

DWP power over banks will not give them access to individual bank accounts or information on how claimants spend their money.

Other measure in the bill include:

  • The DWP will have the power to make direct deduction orders to take a regular payment or a lump sum from the account of a person who owes them money.  This will include taking money from joint accounts if the debtor does not have a sole account. It will also include taking “cryptoassets”. In addition, the bank will have the power to charge a fee to the account holder for the cost of removing the money from their account.
  • The DWP will have the power to make deduction from earnings orders which allow it to take money directly from the wages of an employed person who owes them money.  Employers will have the power to deduct further sums from the employee’s wages in order to cover the administrative costs of the deductions from earnings order.
  • The DWP may impose a civil penalty on anyone who, the DWP is satisfied on the balance of probabilities, helped another person commit – or attempt to commit - fraud.  This applies both to individuals and organisations.  The civil penalty can be up to 100% of the amount that was fraudulently obtained, or would have been obtained if the fraud had been successful.
  • The DWP will have the power to issue an “information notice” to a wider range of organisations requiring them to provide specified information where there is a reasonable suspicion that fraud has been, or may be, committed.  The information may relate to the person suspected of fraud or a member of their family.  The DWP can impose a civil penalty on an organisation which fails to comply with an information notice.

You can read Liz Kendall’s statement here.

You can download a copy of the Public Authorities (Fraud, Error and Recovery) Bill from this link


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    Giving sweeping powers to a department which has long since been a law unto itself - that definitely sounds like a great idea. What could possibly go wrong?

    And how nice to see Starmer delivering the change he promised. Now we can get screwed over by people wearing red rosettes instead of blue ones. Progress!
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    · 1 months ago
    The worst version of 1984's Orwell.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Steve Wait until we all are moved into UC, the next stage will be, not a voucher for PIP, but a microChip on the forhead..
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    In 2002 the welfare bill was 188,261 billion pound and the tax revenue in that years was 324.73 billion pound.
    In 2023 the welfare bill was 258,357 billion pound and the tax revenue that year was 827.74 billion pound.
    According to these numbers the government was paying for welfare bill less in 2023 than what it was paying in 2002 in real term.

    So anyone says the welfare bill is 
    at a record high is a fat lier and stupid in the same time because the government revenue is also at record high.

    So this government cannot be trusted and I do not know if a royal commission into that matter is going to help in that matter, and if so we need to make a petition.

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 months ago
      @sevenbees Is the welfare bill net worth? Or iclusive of the bill for reasesments to ATHOS - alike, and the cost of all the Tribunals?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 months ago
      @sevenbees The welfare cost have been falling when measured against the GDP. Governments like to use the percentage increase based on year on year costs but not against year on year increase in taxes nor in year on year GDP which shows as a proportion of wealth it has in fact been falling for a long time. However they like to use cost accounting methods to measure cost and so to them it is in an increase inspite of inflation and reduction in true value of money which buys less and less each year
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    · 1 months ago
    Communism it feels like
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    · 1 months ago
    Basically a rehash of a Tory bill to give the DWP powers. Not a cigarette paper's difference between the lot of them. Turning the DWP into a Stasi where you're guilty before proven innocent is worrying and if I recall it isn't just the bank accounts of benefit claimants they'll be looking at.

    Though benefit fraud does happen I feel a severe custodial punishment for the highest cases of fraud is a deterrent rather than the above. I foresee legal challenges against this in regards of the right to privacy.

    The old "if you've got nothing to fear you have nothing to hide" unsettles me and is the calling card of authoritarians past and present, most importantly it's foundation of a low trust society.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Dave Dee If only these laws would be applied to our own politicians and big businesses 
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    · 1 months ago
    Removal of a persons driving licence also significantly cuts down their opportunity to work. So that’s an own goal. The rest of what the DWP are planning is already possible for other agencies such as other fraud investigators I.e police. Although these powers sound scary, and they are, I’d bet they will only be used in the most serious of instances of fraud rather than someone making a genuine error. Despite my concerns about the potential for abuse of power, I would hope there will be safeguards built in to ensure that is not the case.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Jan And for disabled working or not, will surely point to the latter. Another great well thought out plan by the robot MK11.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Jan Other agencies such as police work with scrutiny of their actions. 
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    · 1 months ago
    Government will save 1.5billion a year on fraud so really that’s what the government wanted to save from welfare bill a year so why are government still planing benefit cuts for disabled people? Also I can see government making pip mean tested and abolishing the lower rates also everyone will need expert medical evidence of illness to achieve high rates also there is 800thousand million mobility cars government will not want to abolish these claimants it will effect the car industry and motorablilty charties that’s only my opinion 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Diceman24 Didn't the last Government want to save £12 billion from disability benefits. £1.5 BM is only the start, I'm afraid. As others have said, we are going back to a form of DLA with more tiers
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