Softening up British public opinion prior to the governments health and disability benefits Green Paper in the Spring appears to have begun, with a shamefully inaccurate and prejudicial Channel 4 Dispatches episode entitled "Britain’s Benefits Scandal" screened last night.

The programme was researched, and is presented by, Fraser Nelson the former editor of the right-wing Spectator magazine.  The opening lines set the tone for what follows:

“Across the UK a crisis is building that affects us all.  More than 3 million people are now on long-term sickness benefits, up by about a million in just five years. And these figures are set to get far worse.”

In Salford, we are introduced to a claimant who whose mental health issues are now managed by medication.  He’s living in a hostel, but wants a job, a flat, a family and friends.  He’s signed up for a plastering course but, fails to turn up on the first day.  When Nelson meets up with him again he explains that he was warned by the Jobcentre that if he started the training it would be classed as work and he would lose his benefits, so he decided to drop the plan.

In Manchester we meet a claimant who is alcohol dependent and says he’s been unemployed for years.  He’s filmed in a CAB being helped to complete his UC50 form in order to be able to claim benefits as incapable of work.  He tells the advisor that he came by taxi and “I’ve had like six or seven cans this morning before I even function” 

The CAB advisor tells him, “Based on my experience you should have  a reasonable prospect of succeeding and being placed into the highest group.”

A claimant more likely to provoke outrage amongst Daily Mail readers would have been hard to find.

We also encounter Shane, a 57 year old part-time window cleaner who has knee and back problems and depression.  Whilst his son was successful in his claim, Shane’s has failed the work capability assessment and has lodged an appeal.  Shane says he found out more about sickness benefits on Tik Tok than from the Jobcentre. 

The camera follows him as he puts flyers through letter boxes, washes windows and climbs up and down ladders.  Nelson’s crew are also on the spot as he undergoes his unsuccessful telephone appeal.

As well as following claimants, Nelson also meets people with their own explanation for why there has been a big increase in health and disability benefits claims.

Sarah is a nurse who until recently worked as a DWP assessor.  She worries that the system is too open to abuse.  She claims she went on Google and typed in a few words and “found the words to say to essentially get a full benefit”, what she calls “the keywords”. 

Or, as Nelson explains it, people will be Googling and finding out “what’s the phrase that pays”.

Absolutely” Sarah responds “Just tell them that you’re suicidal . . If at any point someone said that they were suicidal every day, straight away in that high [category]”

We are then given a brief glimpse of the world of “sickfluencers”, people who give tips on claiming benefits on Tik Tok and Youtube.

Then we visit Michael, who used to work for an assessment company, though in what role it’s not quite clear.

He explains that  “People were encouraged to do six cases a day and if you did any more than that you would get £80 per case.  If the claimant met the highest category then the assessment could be curtailed early, which would allow them to fit in more cases per day.”

So, assessors are allegedly placing people in the limited capability for work-related activity group in order to increase the assessor’s own earnings.

Gavin, in Shoreham-by-Sea has been a taxi driver for over 30 years.  He had to stop work after a heart operation and claimed benefits.  Eventually he began driving again part-time and still claiming benefits.  He now wants to go back to full-time work and stop claiming.  

But when he contacted the DWP and said he was ready to come off benefits, he says they told him they couldn’t alter his award. Instead,  he would have to wait until he was reassessed. That was three years ago.

Gavin claims to be still trapped working part-time, but earning the same money as he would be working full-time, because of his benefit award.  He came on the programme “to highlight how bad things are”.

Fortunately, Nelson was also able to tell Liz Kendall, secretary of state for work and pensions about Gavin’s dilemma.  She shook her head sorrowfully, and promised “Give me his number and I’ll sort it”.

Kendall was actually given a lot of airtime in this programme.  At one point, on the basis of no evidence or details whatsoever, Nelson tells her “We’ve heard lots of promises of reform for many, many years, but you’re talking about a revolution.”

“I am talking about a revolution.” Kendall responds.  “When you’ve got a system that isn’t working for anyone, you need big change...I believe in work, and that everybody who can work should work.  But my argument is, people are crying out for help and support and it’s the government’s duty to deliver that.”

She goes on to say that “The absolute key issue is this:  we need to put together a package of measures here which really meets the challenges that we face.  Not simply, you fall out of the workplace, you’re written off.  You’re categorised as ‘can work’ or ‘can’t work’ and then left.  That isn’t working for people or for taxpayers.”

Unfortunately, we won’t know what that revolution looks like before the Green Paper is published next Spring, although the WCA does seem to be getting a lot of bad press from the DWP. 

But what claimants can be reasonably sure of, is that there will be plenty more ill-researched and prejudicial publicity of this sort before that paper lands.  The channel that brought us The Truth About Disability Benefits in collaboration with the Disability News Service three years ago, should be - but won't be - ashamed.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    Let’s hope Liz and channel 4 do a sequel on employment disability  discrimination - secret cam footage of interviewers screening out disabled applicants.  Perhaps Liz could phone a few of those. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Dan @Dan well if you had that trouble, which I feel for you as it is very disappointing to be let down, but I have had seizures for decades on a daily basis, I don't fancy my chances, being almost 53 as well, I did work for 20 years,but had to pack up due to the seizures and then incontinence, I think these know it alls need to ask employers if they actually want disabled people, all of these programmes are biased, and no job centres are not able to deliver the appropriate help.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Old Mother I''ve survived a brain tumour, and after over 9 years of unemployment, I had a job offer withdrawn on account of a seizure I'd had 10 months previously. I'd gladly share my story.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Old Mother They should do one on the DWP - how they treat their employees with disabilities, how a large number of them have to take them to a tribunal to get reasonable adjustments, how they are bullied out of the workplace and left worse off and unemployable because of all the bullying and harassment they endured.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    media and newspapers to up the anti regarding disabled benefit claimants ,however on a positive note , we did get through the BBC'S vitriol against us during their 

    Saints and Sinners and Britain on the Fiddle phase.

    Britain on the Fiddle

    Documentary series in which reporter Richard Bilton looks at the problem of tax and benefit fraud, joining teams as they track down the people stealing money from the state.

    Saints and Scroungers

    Series following fraud officers as they bust the benefits thieves stealing millions of pounds every year, while charities and councils track down people who actually deserve government help

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      · 1 months ago
      @MrFibro They don't have the guts! Plus, news media is run by a combination of the super-rich and the old school tie. They begrudge a penny of their taxes going to help the worse off. They think themselves above the rest of humanity and love to punch down.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 months ago
      @Harry It's about time a news, TV media should be making a series and or documentary or film on the British politicians fiddle.
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    · 1 months ago
    I thank the lord up above and beyond that I never watched this. Disgusting rubbish by the sound of it. Perhaps some of us should put together a class action for defamation of character or even promoting provocative ideas that might lead to hate crimes. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @philip Good idea Philip, 

      We could even campaign for civil rights. Oh no, we already did that. Some more class and direct action please, count me in.
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    · 1 months ago
    Seeing that Channel 4 is a state broadcaster, then you come to expect this level of propaganda. It's been going on long enough, but most people will fall for lies and deception and never question what lies between the lines. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @blueisgreen Uk government owns channel 4
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      · 1 months ago
      ITV & channel 5 are commercial enterprises and public service broadcasts. Channel Four Television Corporation owned by (the last Conservative government tried to privatise it after all) like the BBC commercial enterprise as any profit it makes is invested back into programming not as dividends to the government (so works more like a non profit) unlike the BBC  mainly funded by advertising not taxation (TV licence).  
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      · 1 months ago
      @Orwell1975 It’s not a state broadcaster. It’s a commercial enterprise. Hence all the adverts you don’t get on the BBC.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Orwell1975 I blame the British public for being mugged off, into buying a BBC con license.
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    · 1 months ago
    Thought I would copy and paste my post here if allowed as seems more appropriate here.

    Just seen Channel 4 Dispatches The Benefits Scandal. Looks like the government and channel 4 have done a deal to malign the sick and disabled. That’s why I don’t call these people journalists. I call them commentators and criminals. They always have an agenda. Always pushing their own opinions, vested interests, ideologies, financial interests. They just want to be celebrities. Piers Morgan is a typical example. Anybody else noticed how the BBC are behaving like a washing commercial with their verified nonsense. “Our news is better than your news because we verify our news”. It is laughable. I suspect what they all really want is viewing figures and readers. That’s why they pay them highly. If you like the person you are more likely to watch/read. More importantly from their point of view you are more likely to believe what you are watching/readng. You can tell a journalist (if there are any) by whether they give you contrary opinions to encourage you to think for yourself and make up your own mind. This would defeat the purpose of editing a video tape to make it look like a bunch of rioters in the Capital Hill building (where people died) were so peaceful and friendly. Why invite someone into the studio to show the video footage was fabricated due to the political bias of the network?

    This programme last night was a case in point. We want to suck up to the government and get some benefit in doing so such as early access to legislation or first question at a press conference. Lets make a program to hit the disabled but do it in a patronising enough way to conceal our true motive. No wonder Liz Kendall was happy to appear on the programme. Then they found a “nurse” claiming to work(ed) for one of the companies (lets hope she is no longer working) claiming that lots of people are pretending to be suicidal in order to get the benefit. Typical of channel 5’s nasty programmes about people on benefits when Dispatches found a guy who wanted to do some training but didn’t turn up. Bit like the one with channel 5 who was probably encouraged to put a cigarette into his young child’s mouth to vilify the unemployed. As a fitting ending: How about we find a guy who desperately wants to have his benefit taken away from him. He’s been waiting for 3 years for them to reassess him so he can lose the money. Kendall comes to the rescue “give me his phone number and I’ll sort it”.

    There are enough people already being attacked and abused for being disabled and these idiots want to make it worse. I’m starting to wonder if Starmer is trying to be as harsh as possible because he wants to stick to fingers up at Corbyn who at least had sone compassion for disabled people.

    Like I said, don’t call them journalists.

    And maybe it’s time to stop calling Starmer and the rest of his sycophantic desperate to keep their jobs followers (who would have been outraged if the Tories behaved the way they are behaving), Socialists. I think Socialism has come to an end in this country. 
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    · 1 months ago
    "the WCA does seem to be getting a lot of bad press from the DWP." Funny that! Seeing as it was the DWP who introduced the WCA in the first place! maybe they should take a long hard look at themselves instead of using the press to label all disability claimants scroungers!
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      · 1 months ago
      @gosh 'n' golly So agree. Who implemented and managed all of these dreadful systems that now apparently don’t work. Layer upon layer of mismanagement - that’s where the taxpayers should be pointing. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @gosh 'n' golly It was Labour who introduced it, not the DWP. The DWP carry out the orders given to them by the government of the day.
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    · 1 months ago
    i suspect what taxpayers really want is certain folk in present administration to leave the party.

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