We know that most of you would much prefer for the whole PIP assessment system using private sector companies to be done away with completely.
But that seems very unlikely to happen under the current administration. And at the moment we are still being kept waiting to be told whether face-to-face assessments are about to be reintroduced.,
Mind are currently running a campaign asking for claimants to be given the choice of whether to have a telephone assessment or a face-to-face assessment.
So we wanted to ask readers, if you had to choose between a telephone assessment of a face-to-face assessment, which would you prefer?
We’ve created a brief, anonymous poll with just two questions.
Do you have:
A physical health condition
A mental health condition
Both physical and mental health conditions
If you had to choose, would you opt for:
A telephone assessment
A face-to-face assessment
If you complete the poll, you will get to see the results so far as soon as you click on the ‘Done’ button.