Benefits and Work has updated our members’ guide to ‘Successful ESA to UC Managed Migration’ to take account of current claimant concerns.

In general, the impression we are getting from feedback from members is that managed migration is progressing relatively smoothly, at least in terms of very few people now being asked to produce fit-notes or agree to work commitments when having been in the support group.

But it is still very early in the process of moving 60,000+ ESA claimants onto UC every month and only time will tell whether the DWP have invested enough is support processes and visiting staff to be able to cope with demand from more vulnerable claimants.

In the meantime, we have added the following items to the troubleshooting section of the managed migration guide:

  • You were receiving contribution-based ESA and the DWP have moved you to ‘New-Style ESA’
  • You have moved to UC and have now realised you should have been receiving more irESA (or other legacy benefits) before you moved
  • You are having a deduction from your UC housing costs element for a spare bedroom or the wrong rate of local housing allowance is being applied.
  • You rent a property but were not receiving Housing Benefit before you moved to UC
  • Your partner is being asked to look for work when they did not have to do this on legacy benefits
  • Your legacy benefits run-on lasted for more than 2 weeks and the DWP say you have to pay the extra money back
  • Help! I’m having deductions from my UC for debts I didn’t know I had!

We’ve also updated the guide to “Employment & Support Allowance and Universal Credit Claims On Physical and Mental Health Grounds” which covers the WCA in great detail.  We’ve added a step-by-step system for completing each of the “Use this space” boxes, more information about issues that may be covered at an assessment and more about what HAAS health professionals are told about each activity in their handbook.

Members can download both guides from this page  


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 days ago
    I am writing on behalf of my son. Who gets both ESA and PIP. He is in the support group for both. I am expecting that he will get a migration letter to UC sometime this year. But in the meantime his mum who is his official carer will start to get her state pension in May of this year. That means she will lose her carers allowance. I presume that these two events are reportable  changes. Is that so. Does that also mean that my son will get a compulsory migration notice at the same time. We want to get started on preparing for this so as to be ready if it happens
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    · 2 days ago
    I had to confirm with my local council whether I needed to provide tenancy agreement when I make a claim for UC they said no as if it's a rented council house the UC will just contact them to confirm I live there. It's only for private or letting agents. Just had to make sure. 
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    · 2 days ago
    Universal credit is strict and jumping threw hoops the support group will be different and will be left alone for the time being I was on the work activity group lcw which is interviews and seems to be going ok in terms of the esa migration went to the job centre yesterday I hadn’t been for a long time  things have changed is more like a prison camp now with security everywhere so will see what happens I was told expect a payment in 5 weeks put a note on my journal about ice regulation 19 
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      · 2 days ago
      @axab43 I notice you're worried about reassessment.

      Their plan is to push people into work regardless of which group they're, and therefore reassessment or which award you're given to would not make any difference.
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      · 2 days ago
      @Anon I was told the Universal Credit has the same kind of assessment period as the ESA support group, if on the LCWRA group. And they are really behind in assessments, going back years, so it is going to take a long time to catch up.
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    · 3 days ago
    I haven’t got a phone what am I going to do?
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    · 3 days ago
    If you do a help to claim UC on the phone you don't need to phone DWP every 2-3 days  to log into your details as when your details have been confirmed you will be sent log in details you can log in to to log into your account found this out through DWP I know this as I did over the phone claim through CA once my claim got processed I received log in details through to check my account 
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      · 3 days ago
      @Ted Im totally confused I was told my Citizens advice online chat that if you make a claim for UC over the phone you do have to phone DWP everyday to check if there are anything in you to do list you have to do so I won't have a online UC online account as you did it over the phone so I'm confused.
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    · 3 days ago
    Hi I will be migrating to UC next month from ESA I was thinking of doing a telephone help to claim with CS as I don't have access to internet at home my mobile phone is small would struggle with doing it on phone. People say don't use the phone to claim as you end up having to make phone calls all the time as you have to log into your account every two or three days. Is it best to try and do it online.  Can someone tell me what's best 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Mel What if I'm too ill, to keep track and keep logging in?  Too much stress, too.
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      · 3 days ago
      @Mel Go to job centre and use their computers staff will help you
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    · 3 days ago
    Hi I’m new to all this I’ve just had my letter to go to UC from employment support allowance I have just filled in the form on line , which was pretty straight forward , and have a telephone appointment Monday the 10th as it was saying they couldn’t confirm my identity, I’m disabled and on PIP does this mean all my money will be paid through UC ? Or just my ESA ? 
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      · 3 days ago
      @Jacqueline Brock Just ESA money 
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      · 3 days ago
      @Frances Thank you so much for your reply , I found the online form easy , but it didn’t verify my passport or driving licence, not unless I made a mistake , but I tried it 3 times but have a telephone call on Monday 
      Thank you Frances 
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      · 3 days ago
      @Jacqueline Brock Just ESA, Jaqueline, and any housing rent to which you're entitled.  If you don't get equivalent or better than your total previous means tested benefits in your UC award, seek advice. PIP is not involved and you'll continue to receive PIP payments the usual way as long as you qualify.
      All the best.
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    · 4 days ago
    Have just seen the BBC website saying about the up coming cuts in the budget and this is what is making me scared. I am in no fit state to cope with any of this. This government couldn't care less. Like I said this is why I am terrified of what's coming, I only hope that the 50s and over ages will suffer somewhat less from this than others but I somehow doubt that. Sorry for being so negative but I don't know what to do anymore. Does anyone know when the earliest is they could bring any of this in?
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    · 4 days ago
    Has anyone heard the Universal Credit website has crashed? How are they going to cope with all of this, and I was worried about being assessed! (Again, Scope told me by the time they had sorted this mess out and got round to dealing with the backlog, I would probably be one or two years away from pension and not worth bothering with. For anyone else in the same position and worrying too.)
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      · 2 days ago
      @Frances I'm about four years away from pension but again I was told by the time they passed all of this through parliament and got round to implementing it/caught up with the backlog, I would be too close to pension age to worry about. As for going through the pension credit etc, that wouldn't worry me. I could cope with that as they can't refuse people access to that. It is all of this that is stressful for me.
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      · 4 days ago
      @axab43 We can only hope  🙏 It would be mad to have all that upheaval then all again for pension, pension credit and pension age housing benefit.
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    · 5 days ago
    Feel the need to point out for those panicking reading the comments about migration mine went pretty smoothly, the application process was very simple online, all box ticking and no need to submit evidence, varified I'd with provisional licence and a swearing random questions about my credit (ie how long ago I got a loan if ever and how old are certain bank accounts).. got my extra ESA support group payment then after three weeks got the first half of my universal credit as I'd asked for the twice monthly payments. The only confusion was caused by all the different automated letters they send regarding what benefits stopping and whats starting. My advice is you can ask easily on your journal if they confuse you. I know that goes against all we've learned over the years with the DWP ; avoid at all costs because they make everything worse but damn the journal is a lot less stressful than ringing up. 
    So to sum up it can be a straightforward process, granted all I was claiming was ESA support group (and council tax reduction which my council dealt with when I told them I migrated) and I had id for online identification plus I ended up £80 better off per fortnight. No calls thankfully either
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    · 5 days ago
    I have a migration deadline of April 7. I don't want to leave it too late because the Spring budget is on March 25th and I'm worried it will affect my claim if anything new is introduced.

    I'll be migrating from ESA support group.

    Which should I mention in the payment section:

    (1) Payment section - Regulation 19 applies to me because I am transitioning from the ESA support group to LCWRA under Universal Credit, which means I do not need to provide a fit note or undergo an assessment.

    (2) Regulation 19 of the Universal Credit (Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2014 determines when a claimant may be considered to have limited capability for work (LCW) or limited capability for work and work-related activity (LCWRA). This regulation applies when a claimant was previously entitled to the support or work-related activity component of old style Employment and Support Allowance (ESA).
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      · 1 days ago
      @sara Are you saying that ESA rates will be going up but UC rates won't? Forgive me if I'm missing something.
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      · 4 days ago
      @Anon Did you put that thing about migration from ESA Support Group in the Payment section?
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      · 4 days ago
      @Nicola Did you put that thing about migration from ESA Support Group in the Payment section?
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      · 4 days ago
      @Ah if you apply before April, you will lose some of your transitional protection. If you wait until afterwards, you will be ok until next April. 
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      · 5 days ago
      @Ah If you migrate before April you will lose some of the value of the transitional protection as soon as benefits go up, because your uc won't go up. If you wait until benefits have gone up in April your uc transitional protection will not be eroded until next year. See sara's post below.
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    · 6 days ago
    Hi I was told because I don't have internet access at home I can apply at the help to claim line C/A but some say it's better online but can't access internet.
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      · 5 days ago
      @James h People can't just not bother with it James h, it might be their only income. Stressful or not, we have to get through it and the last thing people should do is not bother. Sorry your experience has been hard going but you have rights and you will get what you need, especially with professional advice. If people don't apply their money will stop.
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      · 6 days ago
      @Stu @Stu Don’t bother with universal credit  it’s awful and stressful and jumping threw hoops like a dancing puppet on a string I have just migrated myself in past 2 days the stories I used to read about over the years were right all along 
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    · 6 days ago
    It’s already started a shambles my universal credit suddenly spring to life now sent me to the wrong job centre which is miles away and all these messages in your journal you don’t know who these people are could be anybody I don’t like the look of this one bit just stress stress stress
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    · 6 days ago
    So as I'm no longer a member and can't create topics, I just thought I'd warn people about changes to Council Tax Reduction Schemes coming into force in April.

    Each council has its own scheme, so the changes you'll experience will obviously be different but it does seem a lot of councils are bringing in changes in April. 

    For example, some won't award it to claimants who have more than £6k in capital. That one I think will catch lots of people by surprise. Council tax in my area even for a band A property with the 25% single person discount is still £1,100. So instead of paying £30ish/month you pay almost £100/month despite being on benefits. 

    Worth noting that none of these changes apply to those of pension age who are protected in law and should get 100% council tax reduction if eligible.
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      · 6 days ago
      @PatGPT To be honest I think it's incredibly harsh. Six grand may seem like a lot of money but it's really not and I've always said the poor should be encouraged to save, not discouraged. 

      The system is literally designed to keep them poor. And worse still those with loads of equity in their property are left untouched, with that asset inflation, if they bought decades ago, having outpaced wage growth and benefit increases significantly during that period.

      Worse still, with lots of landlords becoming enriched and untaxed on this capital gains during that time, those landlords actually being the real recipients of all this housing benefit too.
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    · 6 days ago
    Governments will use whatever technology is available to combat their primary enemy - their own population.
    - Noam Chomsky
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    · 6 days ago
    Disability benefits and social care should never be a political football. These systems should be based on need, not shifting political agendas, surely with cross-party consensus to ensure long-term stability and fairness. Disabled people shouldn’t have to live in constant fear of cuts, reassessments, or policy changes just to be seen to be the harshest party. Isn’t it time the country demanded a system that prioritizes dignity and stability over political point-scoring?
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      · 3 days ago
      @Doomed by DWP I understand that scrapping the LWRCA will be for new claimants only. That's what I read. 
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      · 4 days ago
      @CaroA Horrified that tomorrow’s newspapers (5 March), still more news reports of LWCRA group being completely abolished! 
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      · 5 days ago
      @robbie 👍
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      · 6 days ago
      @CaroA Totally agree @CaroA, but your proposals would depend on politicians being reasonable and parties working together. Difficult to feel optimistic, but perhaps one day! In the meantime we have to stand firm, which is another absurdity, as we are the least able.
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    · 6 days ago
    Hi Neil I hope you will be ok . Am 40&have multiple special needs& learning difficulties plus I have epilepsy&cerebral palsy in the right side of my body.with the epilepsy I have bad headaches that’s can last between two&three days&with the cerebral palsy my back is in none stop pain. It usually takes me over 2hrs to get to sleep due to the pain in my back. I can’t work I just wanna say I see where you’re coming from I hope we will both be ok Neil . 
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    · 7 days ago
    @Rik, I wasn't commenting on the content of your post, just amused that you had given 28.03.25 as the dates of the articles from the Birmingham Mail and Big Issue. That's some Reach.
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    · 7 days ago
    My other message got cut off underneath after another sleepless night I finally did it early this morning did everything people on here advised  to do and put a note in my journal straight away about moving from esa and uc regulation 19 took me 2 hours and did it on my mobile phone will see what happens whether it turns into a shambles or not a will be getting a phone call tomorrow in my to do list 
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    · 7 days ago
    I was reading from the Scope site and I saw one of the comments pertaining to this.

    "Worth noting that if all disabled people are expected to seek work, the UK's unemployment rate exceeds 12.4% - at a time when the number vacancies is dropping and businesses are laying off. This would be worse than at any point in history, including the 1980s and the GFC."

    That would be terrible optics for Labour to force or cajole people who legitimately can't work into looking for work. Labour have already got terrible optics after cutting the Winter Fuel Allowance. 
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      · 5 days ago
      @Rik The trouble is if, unlike the Tory plan, they don't abolish reassessment and they keep reassessing the current claimants on LCWRA, then these could be found fit for work and counted jobseekers, as after all, Labour's plan is to move as many claimants as possible to the minimum benefits payment, which is jobseekers' allowance.
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      · 5 days ago
      @Rik You're right, and I believe that's their plan. But I don't think they'll scrap LCWRA for the existing claimants.
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      · 5 days ago
      @Scorpion If the LCWRA group is scrapped, they may start to be counted as unemployed by the govt.
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      · 5 days ago
      @Scorpion I doubt dwp which is government can Force anybody who are severe disabled into work or seek work it’s fully against human rights and other rights there would be high court cases everyday 
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