There are growing fears that the government is planning to go back on the undertaking of the last chancellor that benefits would be uprated in line with inflation next April.

Back in May, then chancellor Rishi Sunak told the Commons that benefits would be uprated in line with the September 2022 inflation figure, which is almost 10%. 

At the time, inflation was expected begin to fall before April and Sunak said that this would lead to ‘a very significant increase in benefits next year, in excess of the rate of inflation, which will be very positive for those in receipt of them’.

However, the Truss government have already made it clear that they do not consider themselves bound by this.

On Wednesday , treasury secretary Chris Philp refused to commit to benefits rising in line with inflation, saying instead:

"I am not going to make policy commitments on live TV, it is going to be considered in the normal way. We will make a decision and it will be announced I am sure in the first instance to the House of Commons.”

Later, on a visit to Darlington, chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng also refused to be drawn on benefits uprating, arguing:

“We are talking about helping people in the round. It is premature for me to come to a decision on that. But we are absolutely focused on making sure that the most vulnerable in our society are protected through what could be a challenging time.”

However, he did go on to guarantee that the triple lock on pensions would be maintained, suggesting that there are some decisions it is not premature to make.

With the government desperate to find savings to pay for its tax cuts for the wealthy and for large businesses, cutting the benefits bill is an obvious target.

But as Unison’s general Secretary Christine McAnea pointed out:

“Suggestions that benefits won’t rise with soaring inflation and beleaguered public services are to be squeezed is a terrifying prospect. The government seems to have no idea of the damage its foolhardy approach is wreaking.”

Claimants lost out in the last uprating round because inflation took off after September 2021, the month when the following April’s uprating was set.  If they are now to be cheated of the proper rate of increase it will have a disastrous effect on many people’s ability to cope financially.

But Truss is known to have a strong antipathy to ‘recycling’ taxpayers money through the benefits system and it is likely that enormous pressure will need to be brought to bear on the government to ensure that claimants get the support they need.

We’ll keep readers updated.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    I found this letter template if anyone is wanting to write to them to make it easier
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Unfortunately the minute Truss became the new tory leader it was inevitable that benefit claimants would once again become targets.
    Years of political rhetoric and media bias have created a situation where benefit claimants are seen as undeserving for support or worse labelled as workshy scroungers. This veiw is unfortunately too widely accepted that politicians like Truss feel free to attack claimants take away financial support and pass it on in the form of tax cuts to the wealthiest.
    I suspect that an assault on benefits was always planned it just got here sooner than later.

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Labour do not care about you or anyone else they like the tories care about themselves.  They are not the party of aspiration, they are the party that will need to raise taxes and that will affect alot more people than you think, so don't bother to own anything because Labour will happily take it and put in their coffers, whilst ensuring that their personal wealth is protected, and yes they have plenty of that.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    how are the torys still in power, why do people vote for them they dnt care about the average person working or not, the only people they look out for is big corporations and millionaire types time we voted these useless people out and got this country back in the hands of the people
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Yes I would agree that not voting at all means that you are not part of so called democracy, except that I have voted and seen what I voted for ignored, time and time again, and all parties say what they want you to hear, and then when they are in you are lucky if one policy gets fully delivered, and there is really pretty much no difference between conservative and labour vote for one or the other and you won't notice the difference.  So no I have done with voting.  
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Re- don't vote at all,

    by not voting, you are not a participant in the process, i.e., NOT a part of it, and really have no say afterwards, stupid idea in most scenarios, unless abstaining in fear of being penalised. 

    If you don't enter a race, you cannot possibly win, encouraging people not to vote is extremely short sighted, it is not clever.  

    However, i do get it (the new buzzword) why some in frustration think or don't vote.  

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    This Government needs to be kicked out ASAP, they are only interested in making the rich richer and poorer poorer.  Liz Truss and her followers do not have a clue.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Too all of you who think Labour are the answer to your prayers, think again they are not.  Sorry to disappoint you but get real and don't vote at all.  Best policy in my opinion.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    It's totally unfair to make benefit claimants pay for tax cuts to the rich, and the cost of putting right the economic chaos that these cruel policies have caused. And what kind of Prime Minister would think this is acceptable ?
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Don't vote for Tories at next election or council election. Those areas with a Tory office get down as often as possible with homemade placard and park outside or in front of office. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    I shall be out there with my banner and my placard... "not dead yet"  I am sure that I read Librium Liz wants to abolish the state pension!! Is this woman and her band of highwaymen completely deranged? Moratorim on fracking lifted, Areos of outstanding natural beauty threatened.  Rivers polluted, seas polluted.  W.T.F. will she not spoil??? Give her time and the NHS will be gone completely, or is it a ploy that they fail and then labour gets back in again but will never be able to sort the mess out that tories get back in again? As it is people cannot even get a dentist.

    It's all madness!! They are the ones with mental health issues.  Liz Truss really has got some sort of mental health problem and is in total denial!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @lesley I completely share your theory about the ploy. So after one term of Labour they would then get back in again by blaming labour for failing to sort the unsortable.

      We are in a fracking threatened area. We went on a coach to Preston New Rd before the ban. The love and care shown to us by the campers in providing a wheelchair for my husband and pushing him up the hill, and food and drinks for everyone, was truly moving. Such a contrast from the grabbers and sadly, the law present.

      I have family inside knowledge on the NHS dental front. It is because Maggie T. closed several dental schools, on the basis we could always import enough trained dentists ie robbing other countries of the considerable expense of training. The result was to exclude many adequate candidates from UK dental schools as the competition was made more intense. And now cash has had to be thrown at extending the remaining ones. 
      And of course the free treatment that used to be available at the ones that shut was lost to those localities and the queue for treatment even when referred eg to the Charles Clifford in Sheffield is months long in pain, and teeth deteriorating further. So more teeth lost, vicious cycle. And the NHS dental contract simply does not provide for saving teeth needing all but the simplest [ie 1 straight root] root canal treatment. Hope this inside info may be of interest.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    TRUSS do not trust, she's only there for the rich ! the elite in society.  Her and her cabinet have caused a wider gab between the rich and the poor, meaning the rich are getting richer of the backs of the poorer people in Britain.

    This mini budget only serves the fat cats of Britain, at the expence of disabled people, i did read the tune of 5 billion quid, will (could be) stripped from us in order to pay for the tax cuts and the banker bonuses.

    When will the people of Britain wake up, smell the coffee, and oust this goverment, once and for all by means of using their votes!.

    Many more poor & disabled people will die once again at the hands of the Tories, due to their political choices.

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Politically I can’t believe truss will get away with this, in the context of giving a £55000 tax cut to millionaires last week. In the present climate can’t see it being sustainable even to more moderate tories.
    Note some benefits have to be uprated in line with prices in full, unless the law changed. So it’s mainly unemployment benefits and UC at risk.

    Key benefits that must be increased in line with prices:
    • Disability benefits
    (PIP, Attendance Allowance, DLA)
    • Carer’s Allowance
    • Incapacity benefit
    • Severe Disablement
    • Industrial injuries benefit
    • Additional State Pension
    • Guardian’s Allowance (HMRC)
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @mikmikmik mikmikmik,

      To be honest i'm sure truss and her nasty crew will get way with it.

      claimants are always being financially oppressed, and capped by the nasty T party.

      If Truss really wanted to help us, simply scrap the bedroom ripoff tax, not uncap rich bankers bonuses @ our expense, which incidentally will cost British people their lives, due to more Tory inflicted poverty.

      hopefully truss may come under too much pressure and honour the upgrade of putting benefits in line with inflation at the now going rate. But i wont hold my breath.

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Am I thick I can’t see the money of coupon anywhere!!!
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    B&W, thank you for highlighting this. 
    All I want is to know what campaign to join and how, to make sure that the pressure on the government is enormous enough to turn the juggernaut.
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