The Labour government will not be responding to the plan to replace PIP with vouchers, Stephen Timms has announced, in what appears to be the death knell for the proposal - at least for now.

Timms, minister for disability, was answering a question from Lib Dem MP Wendy Chamberlain who asked whether the DWP “plans to respond to the consultation entitled Modernising support for independent living: the health and disability green paper, which closed on 22 July 2024.”

Timms replied on 14 October:  “We do not intend to publish a response to the previous Government’s consultation. We will be considering our own plans for social security in due course and will fulfil our continued commitment to work with disabled people so that their views and voices are at the heart of all that we do.”

In response to a similar question from independent MP Alex Easton, Timms added that  “ We will be considering our own plans for social security in due course. As we develop proposals, we will consider the potential impacts of reform on disabled people.”

Whilst Labour have already said they would be producing their own proposals for social security, this is the first time they have confirmed that the Tory green paper is effectively dead.

This does not rule out the possibility that Labour could come up with similar ideas in the future, but it makes it much less likely.  It is very improbable that the government would decline to respond to a consultation on PIP vouchers and yet very soon afterwards unveil their own plan to introduce exactly the same thing.

Other proposals in the Tory green paper included replacing PIP with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

The document also raised the possibility of changing the criteria for PIP by, for example,

  • removing the points for aids and appliances and for prompting,
  • removing some PIP activities
  • stopping claimants who get a lot of low scoring descriptors from being eligible.

It would be preferable if Labour would simply say outright that it has no plans to replace PIP cash payments with a voucher scheme.  But the party seems addicted to saying as little as possible about anything that concerns disabled claimants, instead preferring to leave people uncertain and distressed.

For the moment then, this seems the closest we are going to get to a denial. But there really does seem little likelihood that this month's budget or DWP white paper will contain a plan for PIP vouchers or for any of the other wholesale changes to PIP put forward by the Conservatives.


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    coolday · 4 hours ago
    One proposal is to create a new, non-means tested benefit for people who have health problems that prevent them from working. The rate of this benefit would be set below the total amount of money currently received by someone who is deemed to have limited capability for work and work-related activity (LCWRA), but above the basic rate of UC. The payments would continue for a time-limited period if someone were to enter the workforce before being phased out. A claimant would only be put forward for a full WCA – the route to access the additional £416/month LCWRA element – if they had not entered employment after 2 years. The paper does suggest, however, that there could be a route for ‘people with severe health conditions or disability’ to be ‘fast tracked to the WCA regime’.
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    Diceman24 · 4 hours ago
    Conclusion is I’m not going to worry about ifs and buts I’m disabled with a chronic progressive condition I’m not able to work anymore written by doctors and specialist nuro consultants so why worry myself to death by bad articles in papers and negative commments across all disability forums about what IF and BUTs so if you are genuine disabled you have nothing to fear about reforms what will be will be I’ve wasted so many years worrying about reforms over the years from now on I’m changing my thoughts to positive thoughts will do this for my own health and my mind and worrying will not change my condition it’s incurable unless someone invents the medication to cure it lets hope so but for now perhaps we should all stop and. Think about the situation god bliss all 
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    Tom · 7 hours ago
    It would  have  never  been implemented and would  of  cost more than  it would ever save
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    AJ · 7 hours ago
    Before any reforms can be successfully moved forward the most important one "economic reform" has to happen which produce the types of jobs that disabled and sick people can actually do. When the Cameron - Clegg alliance happened in 2010 they in fact closed down the very centres that were there for disabled people to work at now we have come back full circle in needing them. 

    If the idea is to be have more economically active disabled and sick people in work then perhaps a bit of planning to create such jobs that they can do and the requisite laws to enforce and encourage employers are also needed. 

    It is no sense in putting the cart before the horse
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    tiger · 9 hours ago
    I have voted for the tories in the past and up to that point when I read what they intended on doing I said "Never again" its an utterly disgusting abuse of power by these so called Public Servants, on the contrary in fact they are acting in the total opposite of a public servant by even thinking such a heinous idea up that would severely punich the disabled, WHO in the tories thought of such a brutal set of plans must be removed from government asap and without pension etc, You should NEVER have a government who puts agonisingly hard tests for disabled people to take to achieve the PIP status and to then tell them "Oh well we are not supporting you financially but you can have a stair lift or a frame to help you walk etc" you only need one of them once its those changes would only come into affect a couple of times every ten years, utterly disastrous of the tories and they deserved the slaughtering they got at the GE, for me I see a turn in attitudes from Labour and I'm starting to like what I see, Kudos to the reds! Nice to see a party really helping the disabled...
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      MJ · 5 hours ago
      @tiger "Kudos to the reds! Nice to see a party really helping the disabled..."

      Whoa, I think you are getting carried away there my friend, one swallow doesn't make a Summer. We still have to wait to see what their others plans entail first before we can say they are really helping the disabled.

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    boris1 · 9 hours ago
    This doesn't really give much  reassurance because Labour are still considering their own plans.
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    HRH · 9 hours ago
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    Tony · 9 hours ago
    Steven Timms is one of the few MPs I trust, he is one of the good guys. He has always been on the Claimant's side and he is a strong advocate for social justice. He is a man with a strong moral compass and stands between the vulnerable and the advocates of cuts. 
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      Jon · 5 hours ago
      @Tony Stephen timms is a yes man
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      MJ · 5 hours ago
      @Tony Yes, maybe, but he has two bosses above him, Kendall and Reeves! Say no more.
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      AJ · 7 hours ago
      @Tony the proof of the pudding is in the eating
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    Dods · 10 hours ago
    My support worker just told me with total confidence that they are trialling a voucher scheme in my postcode, amongst three. I hope he’s wrong. 
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      Dods · 5 hours ago
      @Anon Good points. It sounded bizarre but what can I say? 
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      Anon · 6 hours ago
      @Dods They are misinformed or winding you up. When a claimant is awarded PIP they have a legal entitlement to a regular cash sum, depending on the level of the award. The DWP cannot arbitrarily remove that payment and replace it with vouchers without a change in the law to allow them to do so, even for a pilot scheme.  The law applies to every claimant and to the DWP. There has been no such change in the law, so there is no pilot scheme.  (Aside from which, how on earth would a 'local' voucher scheme operate?  Would you only be able to spend your vouchers in the local Cost Cutters?  How would stores and other businesses even know the scheme existed and that the vouchers weren't just a rather lame con?  It's nonsense).
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      Dods · 7 hours ago
      @tiger You are probably right. But this person is a support worker, and was most insistent in what he said: a trial across three postcodes. So most of you are going to be safe initially anyway. I’m sure you understand that I can only ask “Are you sure?” of this person so many times. I’m heavily disabled and extremely concerned. 
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      Dods · 7 hours ago
      @JC I can only say I hope he’s wrong. Personally I can’t see it working. 
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      tiger · 9 hours ago
      @Dods they are wrong! or if its true then its going to be removed almost straight away, don't worry about it, by the time you've got a sweat on it would have been removed.
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    JC · 10 hours ago
    This is why it was so important to put our views across on the consultation!! This proves that they have to listen to negative viewpoints of backed up with evidence from disabled people. You HAVE to speak out when given the chance. This obviously doesn’t mean that we won’t face challenges with any further proposals but this is a kick in the teeth for the dreaded ideas in the green paper! Don’t believe all the scare mongers.. how many sleepless nights have many of us had waiting for news about this??? Let’s take the win(which it is!) and work together to make Labour listen to the voice of disabled people in the future. ⭐️
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    MrFibro · 10 hours ago
    It's possible labour are waiting until the winter fuel allowance, and other storm blows over.  In the hope things will calm down with joe public.  And in the meantime labour may cook up some other ways of cutting down on PIP.

    We will all just have to wait and see.  Bear in mind each month that goes by with no change to PIP, means we still continue to get our payments, so to me that's a positive, even though I like all others await with anguish on the fate of PIP.
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      May · 2 hours ago
      @Dods Bless you,surely if the starmer said no plans they shouldn't be allowed to do it. I would write to your local MP or Timms himself. I always via MP route and have always had whatever problem I had sorted. Was even brought a Christmas hamper 1 year and a stamp sealed merry Christmas.  If Timms is a good one he will respond.
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      Dods · 7 hours ago
      @JC I can’t say as I’m implicating myself in what might be bad info. A major one. He was very sure about it. However I’m hoping he was wrong. I’ve heard nothing more from the DWP than you have. He said there would be a trial across three postcodes. I know you’ll all vote this down as bullshit and I get it. He really may be wrong. I asked again and he repeated this. 
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      JC · 9 hours ago
      @Dods Which housing association? 
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      Dods · 9 hours ago
      @MrFibro I am with a nationwide housing association/charity. I was told this morning that a voucher scheme is being trialled in my postcode. Needless to say I am terrified. I sent him to this page and he is doubling down. It’s happening, at least to me. Unless he is ill-informed. 
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    Old Mother · 10 hours ago
    Paused rather than scrapped - it’s depressing. 
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    P. English · 11 hours ago
    Interesting. I read over the weekend in the inews paper that Labour will bring forth their own proposals in the Spring of 2025, said to have been confirmed by an insider. If they were going to go down the route of this Green Paper surely they would not wait that long perhaps. 
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    Jonno · 11 hours ago
    That's good news. But you are right Labour's form of communication is crap.

    Surely they are not going to do as the last Government did and kick the can down the road when it comes to difficult decisions.

    Come to a decision and tell us. Stop waffling and sidetracking. People are totally stressed by this.

    Is there anyone in the cabinet with a backbone?

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