A panicked Rachel Reeves has said she will give more details of Labour’s plans for benefits next week, well ahead of the Spring statement on 26 March.

As Labour struggles with the highest sustained government borrowing costs for decades, they are desperate to get the markets on their side by convincing them they have real plans for increasing growth and cutting spending.

So, Reeves  told the Sun on Sunday that next week she will “expose how the Conservatives lost complete control of the benefits bill – with a project overspend of more than £8 billion”

Reeves went on to say that “Sun on Sunday readers will agree, as a country we cannot keep footing the bill for the spiralling numbers of people out of work.”

She added that “This is an urgent problem. It can’t be ignored. We can’t walk around it, as the Tories did. We’ve got to grip it, once and for all. That’s why we’re setting out our detailed plans before Easter.”

Reeves will be making her statement on Wednesday.  It remains to be seen how much detail will actually be revealed, but we’ll publish a full account of any benefits-related content as soon as possible after Reeves’ speech..

For updates on Reeves' statement follow this link


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 5 days ago
    In 1974 ,(when Labour were in power), the NHS left me for dead, through massive clinincal negligence , incompetence  that left  me a brain damaged  vegetable .
    I have fought for over half a century to re  learn basic functions , such as speech and mobility- even though it is limited. Despite all my organs being damaged in some way, as well as my  my  central nervous system. I'm still alive.
    I have so many health conditions that affect me, I am 99% housebound.
    Every penny of my PIPs go on medication, I have to take every day to help me maintain  an ounce of normality. 

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    · 1 months ago
    Does that mean that what is being proposed is for new claimants and not existing ones ? Hope so it would help to calm my extremely fragile nerves right now.  I am 51 btw
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 months ago
      @Neil Cook Certainly for the time being.  But by saying "time being" people need to be aware that these things take time anyway.  The govt has already said it will re-run a consultation this summer that the Tories did last summer.  Then the results have to be collated and analysed.  Then something has to be mae from those results, and suggestions for ways things could change.  Then there's the white and green papers.  Then the system changes.  The probably a pilot scheme to start with.  For example, Universal Credit was announced in 2010, it wasn't legislated for until 2012, it didn't start rolling out until 2013, and those of us on legacy benefits have only started to be moved over in 2024!  Whatever the new changed will be - whether they are changes to PIP or a whole new benefits system for the sick and disabled - it's not going to be quick!   Yes, somehow or other existing claimants will be part of the changes eventually, but it will be sometime after new claimaints in all likelihood. 

      Meanwhile, there was an interesting/hopeful line from Liz Kendall in the Commons today, when she announced that the Welfare bill will overspend by £8bn.  She said “Whilst this Government has already shown that it will not shy away from difficult decisions, this breach could only have been addressed through implementing immediate and severe cuts to welfare spending. This would not have been the right course of action.”  That final sentence is, at least, a promising line.
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    · 1 months ago
    The DWP has 181 Directors costing up to £30,000,000 a year. Maybe it’s time this bill is cut. 

    Makes me wonder how much more money other departments are spending on top heavy management. 
    Time to cut the dead treetops and get more staff to 
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    · 1 months ago
    I am 68 and have a rare neuro condition which falls within the category of severe disability and a connective tissue disorder also in this category.The last correspondence I had from the Benefits agency was to say I would no longer need to be assessed.Because of my condition I have never been reviewed.
    Like everyone else I am stressed about the upcoming statements /plans.
    The damage being done to the mental health of so very many people is nothing short of cruel,and yet I feel powerless in the battle to prove my condition.
    I think what I am really asking is,how do you/others keep the stress of this at bay ?
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    Apparently there is over 22 billion pounds of unclaimed benefits in Britain which people are entitled to, you don't see the government making a song and dance over that do you! The politicians who so called run this country are a disgrace!
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    · 1 months ago
    They don’t seem understand finding that person fit for work on WCA and losing them £400 month. They still have to pay them unemployment rate. Without extra money that person health will get worse could then end up qualifying for PIP which is almost twice as much.  Then change of circumstance they be unfit. Congratulations doubled the bill. 

    We cannot afford to feed people in this country who are too sick to work. Really? Because we look around and see millions wasted everywhere else. What happened to all Covid scam loans and business for starters? 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 months ago
      @T So very true
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 months ago
      @wd So protest with the Greens or Lib Dems. Why on earth vote for a party who would treat you even worse? That's not sticking it to anybody except your own.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 months ago
      please consider focusing on what is happening whilst we are being distracted by main stream media hate narrative of loony left V fascist right
      Which noone would consider to be left wing.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 months ago
      @Emily Just like the Pensioners winter fuel allowance, the looney left have ended up having to shell out our more, because everyone put in for pension credits, and that's pension credit til they die !

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 months ago
      @Emily This is exactly what would happen to be me.  I am on the edge of being entitled to PIP so don't claim it.

      Without that £400 my health would get worse and worse and tip me into being entitled to PIP.

      I cannot hold down work (I have tried and tried over 4 decades).

      If I did try again because of losing £400 it would last a maximum of 8 weeks.  I would then need reassessing for UC and a claim would go in for PIP.

      How blind are these lot and I am kicking myself I voted for them.  If they do make my life harder that it already is I will never vote for them again.

      I would put a protest Reform vote in (and I hate everything they stand for).

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    · 1 months ago
    So 80 years to the day , the liberation of that heinous place Auchwitz , * and just watch and listen to the HIPOCRACY .. coming to the disabled vulnerable souls from so called new labour politicians , voices proclaiming lies in print and voice .. that's how it starts propaganda in the wind .. 
    *! Time to yell New Labour mp`s .. stop your lies .. stop calling me workshy .. stop your deliberate disgusting vitriol against my illness , stop denying me my peace of mind ... stop stop lying about my serious disabilities 
    * GO LEAVE NOW .
    THIS DISGUSTING BLAME OF VULNERABLE DISABLED PEOPLE .. for what being unwell .. for being clinically diagnosed by a consultant ... stop your filthy lies now .You mp know exactly what you are inflicting on the most vulnerable / the most disabled left in the last stage of universal credit .. the most lied about , the most disgustingly treated , the poor poor souls in the last group 
    The managed migration so called group .
    T.H.E.  M.O.S.T. 
    unwell , medically attested too .
    Vulnerable Vulnerable human beings 
    * this probably won't be broadcast 
    Yours scared to death  .
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 months ago
    I think it's worth remembering who Reeves was addressing in this article - readers of the Sun on Sunday, who are not known for their sympathy for the sick and disabled.  In other words, she's telling them what they want to hear, and trying to keep or win their support.   But the language is all very woolly, as it always is in these cases, so is there really anything new in the article?  Nope.  The same thing they've been saying since August or September.  And we need to remember that this would have happened under any govt.  At least PIP isn't being replaced by vouchers - that's one thing that is off the table.  And it's also likely that any changes to the WCA assessment isn't going to affect those already on benefits for some considerable time - and also that most with a permanent condition in the LCWRA group aren't likely to be reassessed again as it's not financially viable to do so.  So, Reeves will say, no doubt, that she's cracking down on benefit fraud (another woolly term) - and considering that apparently costs the UK £9bn per year, it's a pretty hefty chunk of money without making any cuts to benefits at all.  But it's easy to say you're going to do it, and much more difficult to get results. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @darinfan She could freeze benefits then we take a hit but not catastrophic that's what I would do
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      · 1 months ago
      @Alex Greens were/are never going to get in power - and they also could not have done it just by taxing the rich.  The amount of money sickness and disability benefits cost is going up from £62bn to £100bn by the end of the parliament.  That isn't sustainable, let alone talking about increasing benefits.   And what would it be at the end of ten years from now?  £130bn?  You just can't find that money, and so something has to give, whether we as claimants like it or not.   With the amount of people claiming increasing rapidly, at some point you have to step back and wonder what is going on, and there are only two uncomfortable options:  either the country is very very sick and/or people are being awarded PIP and LCWRA who wouldn't have got it pre-Covid when the assessments were done face to face.   I HATE that those are the two alternatives.  But unless you can suggest where the govt finds an extra £40bn a year for benefits by 2029, clearly something has got to give.   I know that makes me unpopular, but I'm a realist.   Even a so-called wealth tax wouldn't fill that hole even if every single penny from it went into health and sickness benefits.
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      · 1 months ago
      @darinfan No, it wouldn't have happened under any government.  Labour, Tories and Reform definitely, but Green were going to increase benefits and tax the rich. 
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    · 1 months ago
    The reason why we are in this almighty mess is not Labour but the Tories. They made cuts to National Insurance (twice) when the country couldn't afford it, and all to try to hold on to a few seats. Each of the two cuts cost the country £10bn a year. That's £100bn altogether during the course of this parliament. The mistake Labour made was being too scared to say that they would reverse the cut. That was what they should have done, and I don't think it would have made a huge difference to the election. But that's the issue in the UK - people don't want to pay taxes, but also want public services and the welfare state to be generous. People can't have both.

    That said, Labour in a damned-if-they-do-damned-if-they-don't situation. They quite literally can't allow the benefits bill to keep rise, but they're going to come under attack if they tackle it. There were 2,200 new PIP awards a month in 2019, and 5,300 a month in 2023/4. Where does the money come from, and are there really that many more ill people now than there was 5 years ago? I don't know the answer to that. But it's another case of the Tories kicking the can down the road so that Labour have to deal with what the Tories should have dealt with (ditto the prisons crisis).

    So, no matter how much we as claimants hate to be in this situation, I can also understand that something has to give somewhere because the current state of affairs isn't affordable.  The question is how the bill is lowered.  As it currently stands, the benefits bill was £63bn a year in 2023/4 and, if the current trajectory continues, will be £100bn by 2029.  So what is the govt meant to do?  My guess is that some money will be saved by doing less assessments for those with a long term, serious, and irreversable condition.  But I also assume that savings on PIP would most likely be easier to make than savings in UC.  Presumably, there will be more than two levels for each PIP element.  And considering PIP is meant to pay for extra expenses the ill and disabled have, perhaps that would still work.  But I doubt very much that anything new will apply to current claimants.  Let's face it, UC was introduced a decade ago, and those of us on ESA are only now being moved over.  Nothing is going to change for us in the new few years at least. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @darinfan Don't believe a word the government say, certainly not their iffy figures 
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      · 1 months ago
      @darinfan I think you'll find that the 1% have generated so much wealth DURING covid and continues. There should be transactional tax for business done in uk... It's inequality that's impacting our growth too. 
      Too simplistic to just look at the walfare bill going up. 
      The demographics of people becoming ill/disabled IS GOING UP. 
      Public services smashed over 14 years will create this. 
      8 million on NHS waiting list....
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      · 1 months ago
      @CarolK But they have to keep that money in case it is claimed.  They can't spend it.  And they have done a lot of advertising to promote people to claim pension credit.
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      · 1 months ago
      @darinfan I did write something similar in relation to the timeframe from initial UC to now. If the Government is going to radically alter PIP for everyone, it'll take two Parliament's to be completed 
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      · 1 months ago
      @darinfan They say £23 billion goes unclaimed in benefit entitlements every year. This rhetoric about things being unaffordable is pure political choice.
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    · 1 months ago
    We can but hope.....but I'm still absolutely terrified 
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    · 1 months ago
    In other words, "we don't want to tax the rich more, so will go after the sick, disabled and most vulnerable in society yet again".  
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    · 1 months ago
    We will have to see if the changes only effect new claimants?
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      · 1 months ago
      @Anon Probably, it's classic divide and conquer.  Support for them will disappear because most of us will be ok.  But then who will they go after next?
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      · 1 months ago
      @Anon I think they’ll make it a whole lot more difficult to get an award without a diagnosis, I also think they’ll link the extra £400 uc health element to Pip. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Mik I was thinking they might stop under-25s making new claims for anxiety and depression grounds, UC and PIP.
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    · 1 months ago
    It’s almost like the Labour Party don’t like disabled people. As a disabled person am not shock by This news 📰 but am definitely upset and worried . 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Tom They're constantly saying they want to help 'working people'. This excludes all the people who can't work, children and retired people. I always find it a bit disturbing when I hear those words as they seem to be excluding large chunks of the population.
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    · 1 months ago
    The papers aren't always right the sun doesn't have a good reputation I've heard about them  saw an article similar to theirs  there was to many mistakes  this is testing the waters to see how far people go just because the government wants something it won't just happen .
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    · 1 months ago
    In the UK, the Labour government have torn up our democratic social contract, and remain stilled faced when presented with evidence of harms inflicted on the most vulnerable groups via an apparently endless authoritarian stream of draconian policies. There is no process of democratic dialogue for the majority of citizens. Only a political denial of citizen accounts of harm and a consistently still face; an utter political indifference to our lives, our welfare and our well being. I will never vote for them again they are finished 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Pugsley You think they are bothered about your vote? Wake up people and see who's really in charge.. govt are just puppets carrying out orders. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Pugsley True, we have to keep in mind that they are not a Labour party, just using the tag but it means nothing.
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    · 1 months ago
    After 35 years of loyally voting for these lot.  If they do me over the LCWRA I will never forget and never vote again for them.

    I doubt my loyalty means anything to them though.  
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    · 1 months ago
    A comment worth noting: "Work and Pensions Secretary Liz Kendall has said the £3 billion target for cuts to support will not change, no matter the result of the consultation."
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      · 1 months ago
      @MrFibro To hide the fact it's about cutting costs.

      They don't care if we're able to work or not. They know there's not enough jobs out there. They're going after the vulnerable because they are heartless and often get away with it, as many of us are too unwell to fight back. Everyone who can, needs to get advocacy in place so you're ready to fight them if it comes to that.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Rik Why did they bother having a consultation in the first place.  How hypocritical of labour to waste money, and making us pay for it.
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    · 1 months ago
    Those in government should be held to account for their blatant lies, Starmer said last year that ''those with the strongest shoulders will bear the most burden'' of the cutbacks. Instead him and his party have gone straight after the most vulnerable people in society.. I'm sorry but it is pure evil. Throughout Europe it's only in the UK where they are so hellbent on forcing the sick/disabled into work, no matter the loss of life and suffering it causes. It's cruelty beyond belief. 
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    · 1 months ago
    Was reported in the papers the other day that Starmer and Reeves were "relishing" a fight against disabled people as they reckon it will win them support from Reform voters. 

    Says all you need to know about these people. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Scorpion Yes, the turkeys seem to vote for Christmas.  It's madness. 
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      · 1 months ago
      If they knew that Reform's policy was to cut off benefits after a few months and leave people to potentially starve they might change their tune.

      It reminds me of a cartoon of two sheep looking at a poster of a wolf saying "I am going to eat you". One sheep says to the other: "I like him. He tells it how it is."
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      · 1 months ago
      @El Yet the largest number of benefit claimants are among Reform voters.

      Remember, the largest number of Leave voters were the ones who have been hit hardest by Brexit.
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    · 1 months ago
    Very disappointing - we really need some different thinking at the top, not  more of the same that hasn’t previously worked.