Mel Stride, the new secretary of state for work and pensions, has said that a ‘prime focus’ of the DWP will be to support an alleged 2.5 million people who are long-term sick but want work back into the workplace.  He also defended the record level of UC sanctions.

Stride was asked by Labour’s Ben Bradshaw  “What estimate has he made of the number of people who would like to work but currently cannot do so, because they are among the hundreds of thousands waiting on record-long NHS waiting lists?”

Stride responded “We know that there is a long tail of people who would otherwise like to work but who are long-term sick—some 2.5 million in total—and, to go back to my earlier answer, it will be a prime focus for our Department, working with the Health Department, to see how we can assist and support them back into the workplace.”

It is not clear how Stride has come up with a total of 2.5 million people who are long-term sick but also want to work.  This figure sounds like the total number of long-term sick claimants, the majority of whom do not want to work because their condition makes that impossible.  So either Stride is mistaken or he genuinely believes that every long-term sick person could be moved into work.

Stride seems to be focusing solely on the needs of the economy, claiming that “we have 9 million people who are economically inactive, and we desperately need to get as many as we can into the workforce”.  This ignores the fact that many sick and disabled claimants are either unable to work or unable to work without a level of support that is simply not available to them.

In response to a question on the rising level of UC sanctions and the fact that twice as many claimants are now being sanctioned as before the pandemic, making things harder for people already struggling with the cost of living crisis, Stride would only say:

“People are sanctioned only if they fail to attend appointments without good reason, and fail to meet the requirements that they have agreed to meet. Conditionality is an important part of a fair and effective welfare system. It is right that there should be a system to encourage claimants to take reasonable steps to prepare for and move into work. I reiterate that claimants with severe mental health or wellbeing conditions are not subject to work-related requirements or sanctions.”

Stride also ignored a request to publish a DWP report on the effectiveness of sanctions, which his predecessor also insisted on keeping secret.

So there may have been a change of faces at the top of the DWP, but it seems there has been no change in the levels of harshness and secrecy.

You can read the full exchanges on the Hansard website.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    As usual the Government lackeys BBC Daily Express etc are targeting the long term sick in new Unemployment Rate rises issued today 
    Sadly as we are fully aware we can not rely on labour to protect us.

    From Daily Express today

    Labour's ambitious reform plan will open up Jobcentres, support over 50s back into work and provide specialist job support for those with ill health.
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    · 2 years ago
    Sadly it's started the targetted attack on the long term sick.
    Not one mention of permanently cancelling assessments on those whose medical conditions will never change or worsen to be left alone 
    No the DWP expect you to try some work or activity using "trusted" Disability organisations to endorse their recommendations.
    They dont mention these Disability organisations really love to know who they are ?

    Horrendous;Please get fully prepared !!!

    For more info please follow this link below

    Published 16 November

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    · 2 years ago
    What happened to having a boss that is just simply fair? Is it too much to ask? You need somebody who has faced a life of benefits, but also been in work, knows what it is like to struggle, but also not have to worry at times. Then maybe we might just see somebody who has actually got a clue.
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    · 2 years ago
    One day i hope this  government is brought to justice for all the misery and pain thay have caused to thousands of unfortunate people who suffer from various disability. Its not a crime to be disabled. Hold on for a minute!  It may well become a criminal offence in the future under the current government to claim benefits.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Wo Don't koke about it. My disability hasn't changed for 15 years yet I have had 3 different award levels in that time despite my circumstances bever changing. I've often wondered what would happen if they decide to withdraw it one day, what's to stop them saying they think I've lied all along? I keep waiting for the overpayment notice and the fraud investigation...
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    My husband and I both receive PIP.  My husband is terminally ill with heart failure and now has no other income than PIP as he is too young to claim his state pension and could not have critical illness protection following his first heart attack at 33.  I have my state pension and a small private pension.  If PIP was means tested we are unsure what would happen to us as we may be forced to sell our home in order to fund our living expenses as we would have insufficient income to run the home and eat, etc espcially with the recent rise in the cost of living.
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      · 2 years ago
      @di7hop Dear di7hop, please, have you asked anyone like CAB or Law centre or council to do a complete benefits check for you both? It could be in your sad situation that there is more available to you. Doesn't he qualify for any other benefit, if your pensions are modest?
      Hoping you can get an improvement in your situation, 
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    · 2 years ago
    Few yrs ago I hit rock bottom and took an overdose had a medical assessment and got asked "Why haven't you killed yourself" only answer I had was I didn't want my mom and dad to find my body 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Andy That's disgusting asking u such a question,these people have hearts of stone.God bless u and keep u safe 
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    · 2 years ago
    How come the so called "health experts " of the disgusting dwp override a GP or consultant's level of expertise re a person's health. Your own GP should be good enough for your health assessment, not the dwp ... 
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      · 2 years ago
      @dave Sure we could tell our GP the same as an advisor at an assessment.The truth is they think Gp's would bend the rules to help their patients.funny they won't accept the word of your GP, but yet the same GP could be an assessor for say wca and the DWP will believe them then 🥺
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 years ago
      @Joe ... Their argument is that a GP only knows what their patient tells them, they would have no idea of how far you could walk  repeatedly reliably etc  nor could they be expected to, They DO have a valid point, But neither does their assessor have any clue more than your GP,  It's what you tell them, and who your phrase it , that counts  or should do, And they should be duty bound to accurately record and report what you  tell them,  then make a decision  based on that  evidence  and any other  evidence such as what they observe by watching you  during such assessment as well as any clinical reports from other hcp's
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    Can anyone  tell me why the dwp seem to be imune from any court of the land .
    How do they have the power to keep everything secret ?
    You would think that they are at war with the British people and the government that is in power and the government that is not. It is worse than when we were at war and the cold war.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Ralph Brunjes Yes, what's it's to them the fat cats, you'd think they were paying benefits to the needy out of they're own pocket.
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    · 2 years ago
    And especially with P.I.P there are 4 rules they have to stand by, can you do a task repeatedly? Safely? Reasonable amount of time? And to the same standard? My answer is no! Nor could the rest of us! The best thing to do for assessment of pip, esa aa etc is your GP assessment.  They know you best, you have a medical history, why not pay the surgery a few extra thousand a year, instead of these assessors, £33,000 a year? Tha5 could get great amounts of waiting lists down, tribunals easier to access and get results in weeks instead of months!!! This government loves to waste money...whatever next? I think I know! Increase gas and leccy bills and make people pay more, especially young families and disabled! Now there's a thought..........
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      · 2 years ago
      @Scarlett destiny My GP does NOT know me best. I have severe and complex mental health issues of which my GP knows little. The Community Mental Health team know me best, interacting with me on a weekly, sometimes daily, basis.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Scarlett destiny They'd need a brain to think to something as simple as that lol 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Scarlett destiny My GP nearly got my claim closed & me investigated for fraud because my MH referral happened before they transferred their computer system. They are not involved in my care & know nothing about me so when the DWP followed procedure & sent them a form it nearly cost me my life as I had a complete catastrophe at my door. Then of course you have many people who are not getting any help at all from the NHS. Unfortunately one method for all is not a workable solution either.
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    · 2 years ago
    I am sick to the back teeth of hear say, he said that, she said this, it may be means tested it may not!!!!! 
    It is scary enough being awarded and going through the process again and again, to still establish that the said conditions, that GP and specialists have stated that will not go away, and only get worse..have not disappeared overnight and are healthy enough to spring into work tomorrow!!!
    All conditions will eventually deteriorate, to the point of non or part functional, very painful prognosis. Increased medication and pain relief can make you sleepy, I need crutches to walk, a wheelchair for greater distances, I wear a fentaynl patch 75mcg every 3 days, for severe pain. And have to take about 20 other medicines to make me functional as a human!!! I do not choose to live like this, but my body is slowly closing down, tiny amounts daily. 
    So I want to know about this distorted man's vision about help 2.5 million people into work, as my GPs and consultants have said absolutely no way I'm I working, to the point that my GP writes me sick notes for 6 months coverage twice yearly! Absolutely another stress I have now, I have suicidal thoughts anyway, perhaps if I wasn't here, would they dig me up and tell me to go to work???? Bustards, the lot of them.....can't see any of them go without this winter, opulence certainly is not for us, please get these idiots out of power now!!!!!! 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Scarlett destiny Well said Scarlett 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Scarlett destiny
      Dear Scarlett destiny.
      So sorry to hear about your illnesses.  I know the anxiety from having to get "sick notes" every 6 months.  It used to happen to me, until I reached 60 (pension age was 60, back in the day)
      I practically had another breakdown everytime the end of the 6 months came around.
      Plus one time DWP, DSS in those days "SS" being the difinitive initials lost my "sick note" that I sent in, and claimed that I did not even exist, until one them found it stuck away in a drawer in the DSS office..... couldn't make it up.
      Please don't let them win and I am thinking of you.
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    · 2 years ago
    The way they determine who is fit will probably mean more people forced to become even more unwell by being forced to work . I have lcwra after being awarded at tribunal I can barely walk at all definitely not upright . But all through they said fit for work though it was phone assessments. What does lifting a empty box , lifting a litre pint of milk or touching your pocket have to do with a real job ?
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    · 2 years ago
    This scares me more than anything, it is threatening and bullying disabled people. Dickensian policy
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    · 2 years ago
    Typical of the government to pick on the disabled rather than target the super wealthy. 
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    · 2 years ago
    What a dosey pr*ck this Stride geezer is.  Another nasty vile so-called human being.  Hi's game is just to help fill in the 50 billion quid gap hole the Tories  created, @ the expense of sick/ill/ disabled people.  You just couldn't make these people up, even if you tried.  Can you imagine employers taking on severely long term ill disabled workers, who havn't grafted in over 20 years or more lol, and who from one day to the next wont be able to get out of bed etc.  Oh and to the tune of 2.5 million.  There never has, and there never will be any empathy, or proper support in a workplace for claimants who are long term ill, and or disabled, to help them back into a work place that could or should tailor all their illnesses and disability needs.  All this..there's help for you if you go to back and graft it's all a load of fanny nowt else.  Everybody will just be downing tools going home because they're too ill as soon as they clock in lol, ( that's if they can even make it to work) and or phoning in sick lol.  What effin planet is this bloke on !!!! 
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      · 2 years ago
      @Mr Fibro Don’t worry , they will make up “helpful “ back to work schemes 
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    · 2 years ago
    DWP = Department For Wealthy Persons, cos only a fool would believe the tories care about the isck and disabled, all they care about is cutting peoples benefits even more to make them suffer more while all the rich corporations and CEO's and shareholders rake in the cash, its pathetic that when the goverment has a problem they just make the innocent suffer, how about claiming the billions back on unpaid business tax from google,starbucks amazon etc etc, this tory scum need to be gone ASAP, and even if you dnt like labour you can throw your vote at a 3rd party. even though this country is going through hell for poor and working classes, there is light at the end of the tunnel cos people are waking up and realising what our goverment actually is.
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    · 2 years ago
    Really hope they end ESA.PIP assessments soon....
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      · 2 years ago
      @Jason Lee Yes they will by scrapping them and putting everything onto universal credit,that green paper pending white disability paper hasn't gone away u know,its still there,it wasn't mentioned today,but it will be as soon as theve costed the means testing 
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    · 2 years ago
    I am not fooled by anything any of them say about any topic, I am afraid I have learnt since claiming PIP, and CB ESA that the DWP is not there to help you but to thawrt you a shame but true.  All of the Ministers appointed have the same agenda and no empathy.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Elizabeth Vidler Always been the same.  They have never been "our friends"!  When I was a single mother. way back in the early 70s struggling to bring up two kids after being widowed they used to send out DSS officers to your home to check up on you.  Without warning!  Even had to hide a newspaper, otherwise they would think I had spare money.  The local CAB office saved my life.  Got me "on the sick" after having a breakdown and helped me to get widowed mother's allowance.
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      · 2 years ago
      @Elizabeth Vidler They are there to catch you out.  If you admit to having a good day and managed to do a task, they'll use that and say you are ok to do that task all the time.  They also lie and twist what you say, and ignore what you tell them.  Most of them are horrible people in my experience, with a few good ones. 
      I was lucky in my last review and got a good person who actually listened and gave me a higher PIP award.  I did have overwhelming medical evidence though, something I feel is very important. 
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    · 2 years ago
    Don't be fooled Melvyn Stride....just as Rear Passaged as IDS Iain Duncan Smith, Expect no Quarter from despicable people like this.  just be on your guard, at least Steve and Gang are here to help steer. 
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