An anonymous survey being promoted via the Opinion Outpost website asks contributors about how they would cope if their PIP/DLA was cut by £20 - £30 a week, a worried member has informed Benefits and Work.{jcomments on}
Opinion Outpost is a website where individuals can sign up to complete surveys in return for cash or vouchers, after giving details about themselves
Our member was given the opportunity to complete a survey for claimants of DLA and PIP.
They were asked about their award of DLA or PIP and what disabilities they have.
They were also asked about how much they spent on disability aids and related articles.
Towards the end of the survey they were asked how they would cope if their benefit was reduced by £20 to £30 a month.
Our member is very concerned that this might be a survey by the DWP and could be evidence that they are intending further cuts.
However, it could also be a charity or advocacy group wanting to highlight the plight of claimants.
We’d be very pleased to hear from anyone who can shed more light on this.