Fewer than 4 in 10 new PIP claimants in England and Wales got an award of PIP over the last five years, according to statistics released by the DWP this month.  The figures also show that there is a 32% chance of being worse off after your award is reviewed.

The latest statistics cover England and Wales, with separate statistics to be produced for Scotland as adult disability payment (ADP) begins to replace PIP.

Five year figures

The figures show that for the five years from August 2017 to July 2022, just 39% of claims for PIP resulted in an award.

Out of a total of 2.5 million claims, 600,000 were disallowed or withdrawn before the claimant had an assessment.

Of those who actually got as far as an assessment, 50% got an award of PIP.

The DWP also produced figures for planned award reviews for the five year period:

  • 18% award increased
  • 49% award unchanged
  • 10% award decreased
  • 22% award disallowed

So, the chances of being better off as a result of your award being reviewed are 18%, whilst the chances of being worse off are 32%.

Latest quarterly figures

As well as five year statistics, the DWP also provided  data for the quarter ending in July 2022:

180,000 new claims were registered, the highest level since PIP began and 21% higher than the same period last year.

44% of all claims, excluding withdrawn claims, got an award.

50% of all claims that got as far as an assessment received an award.

Of claimants who got an award:

  • 78% of claims awarded were short term (0 to 2 years)
  • 11% were longer term (over 2 years)
  • 10% were ongoing

 60,000 mandatory reconsiderations were registered in the latest quarter and 80,000 were cleared.

Only 23% of mandatory reconsiderations led to a change in the award.

The average time taken for a mandatory reconsideration was 26 days, down from a high of 79 days in September 2021.

120,000 planned award reviews were registered in this quarter, but just 70,000 were cleared.  So the backlog of award reviews which has caused claimants such difficulty and has led to automatic 12 month PIP extensions continues to grow.

You can read the full statistics on the .gov website.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 years ago
    I originally had the Highest award for DLA for both Mobility and Care. When I was reassessed for PIP, they reduced it to Middle rate for both. The Assessor who came to my house wrote things that were completely untrue, and I was horrified. I did ask for them to look again at my case, but they wouldn’t change it. I didn’t expect to be believed even though I had lots of written proofs and X-ray results, which they didn’t even look at. They said they had enough info to go on based on my medication. They assumed I could walk 50 metres, even though I cannot walk more than 10 metres and that is with 2 walking sticks!  i cannot go out without a scooter or wheelchair. The DVLA refused my license at 70 so i am unable to drive anymore because of the morphine. I had my own car, not a Mobility car. 
    When i was retired, I was reviewed again and they said they agreed my condition had deteriorated, but they couldn’t increase my Award as I was now over retirement age. This is grossly unfair, as they should never have reduced my Award in the first place. I feel very bitter about it.  
    I have severe osteoarthritis in my spine plus a fractured vertebrae! I have lost 3” in height as i also have osteoporosis and have been having 6 monthly injections.
    I am in constant pain, on oral morphine and tramadol which I have been taking for 15 yrs. I had both shoulders replaced, a total hip replacement and spinal surgery which hasn’t worked. I have arthritis in my hands, feet and cervical spondylitis. 
    How cruel they are!  They have no understanding of the suffering and struggles of disabled people. They have no empathy. There are many people even worse than me , some with cancer, and some have been denied even their mobility cars etc. This is because their award was also reduced. The decisions they make affect people’s lives in a massive way, some have taken their own lives. Thank goodness for your website which helps us to get the info and guidance we need. I gave up eventually I have to say. I get Middle Rate and am grateful for that, but the system is grossly unfair. 

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    · 2 years ago
    I was refused point blank and i have cancer the radio treatment has not worked so i will have to appeal simple.
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    · 2 years ago
    I do not have a success story to tell due to DWP taking so long to deal with my review form which was sent to me last year and returned and received by them on 21 October 2021. 
    Eleven months now I have been waiting to be assessed this is absolutely appalling and frustrating.
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    · 2 years ago
    i received normal mobility & care on my initial PIP award , having subacromial bursitis left shoulder, osteoarthritis right knee, pernicious anaemia, underactive thyroid, enlarged thyroid & goitre. my review came last Jan 2021. i stupidly said my condition had worsened as i now have subacromial bursitis in my right arm , likely caused by over use of the joint when the left shoulder was frozen. i also have pains in my hip and left knee . my meds have increased & new ones added. my assessment was by phone as they say a physical appt is not appropriate (?) . got the notes they made, compared to those i made & did a mandatory recon of 28 pages last June , pointed out errors between what assessor said opposed to what i said , including wrong health conditions recorded, what my conditions are/how it affects me specifically/ meds prescribed, why i thought more points were needed on scoresheet. eventually awarded low care , despite being told i could drive a car so should be able to lift my hands obove my head to dress !! also said initially it was irrelevant i couldnt reach food in cupboards or fridge in order to prepare meals.. did an appeal in december 2021 re loss of mobility ( i have a blue badge but that doesnt count, nor does breathlessness from reduced airway & tiredness from underactive thyroid & pernicious anaemia ).  to date i am still waiting for a date almost a year on... in may 2022 i was told it was to be a phone tribunal but in august they suddenly wanted med records from jan 2020 ( diagnoses were 8 yrs ago) & queried my mental health & capability to drive , all because i said i have to use a satnav, mobile phone on back up and atlas to navigate to an unknown destination . i had to ring DVLA to tell them to see if i could keep my licence, and notify my insurance company to see if theyll still cover me. it seems to me they are making this as stressful as possible to stop people claiming.  i work for DWP and have a disabled parking space, access to OHS assessments & have specialist computer equipment. they believe my conditions at work to provide my adjustments, but disbelieve me as a customer . i doubt for one minute the assessors are as medically trained as they claim - bursitis is an inflamed joint that improves after a few days rest - subacromial bursitis is an inflamed bursar in the rotator cuff that prevents movement of the shoulder joint and arm and has so far affected me for 2 years. 
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    · 2 years ago
    These figures certainly inform our benefit agency's current workload. It is increasingly common for people to get no points whatsoever on application even with severe health issues vouched for with medical evidence. Delays waiting for mandatory request outcomes ,which normally uphold the original decision, only add to the stress and sense of injustice felt by applicants. Mounting an appeal is a further major stressor and a bridge too far for vulnerable applicants unable to get support from an agency. Is it any wonder that genuine applicants feel that they are set up to fail?
    They deserve so much better.
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    · 2 years ago
    I had to go to appeal court stage for my pip reconsideration last June. 1 week before the expiry date for DWP I received a txt to say DWP decision had been over turned in my favour. 6 months of stress they caused me. I had so much medical evidence of my health conditions. I have Lumbar spinal stenosis, multiple disc degeneration, facet joint compression, Osteo & inflammatory Arthritis. Most of my fingers on right hand don’t bend anymore & left hand heading the same way. I need B12 injections every 3 mths too. 
    It was only this website that gave myself & my husband the strength to Persue the claim to reach the final conclusion. 
    If you know you are due more than DWP say do go through the stages of appeal. I was awarded highest rates for Daily living & Mobility and it has changed my world for the better. I can afford to hire long term a mobility scooter to go out & about with my family & grandchildren and my husband & I can also get out & about more with my mobility scheme car. I am so grateful. Don’t give up. Fight for your rights. 
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    · 2 years ago
    After my conditions worsened after Covid and going from mild to moderate COPD joints becoming more painful with osteoarthritis as well as other conditions I notified DWP of the changes to my everyday living and mobility. My telephone assessment was 2.5 hours long and when the report arrived I wasn’t happy and asked for a reassessment. 
    I received the mandatory reconsideration notice which awarded me the same. They said I wasn’t entitled to mobility as I could drive and grip the steering wheel of the car to do a 5 min journey to the doctors.  They awarded me the same standard rate living allowance until 2032!! I’m not happy but as I find the whole process too much of a strain on my physical/mental health I can’t cope with fighting this any further. I feel so sad as I’ve worked all my life full time paid into the system, which robbed me 6 years of my pension and still can’t get the help I feel I am entitled to, but thanks to your site I have got the standard as if it hadn’t been for all the advice on here I wouldn’t have got that. 😪
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