Labour have today introduced a bill which will give the DWP powers of entry, search and seizure and will oblige banks to check their datasets for evidence of benefit fraud by customers.

The Public Authorities (Fraud, Error and Recovery) Bill mimics previous Conservative government legislation, which failed due to the calling of an early election by Rishi Sunak.

In a statement to the House of Commons today, Liz Kendall, secretary of state for work and pensions, explained that amongst the bill’s provisions are:

  • Powers of entry, search and seizure for DWP staff where there is a suspicion of serious organised crime. 
  • Giving the DWP the power to apply to courts for a Suspended Driving Disqualification Order, to disqualify a person who owes the DWP money from holding a driving licence.
  • Through the DWP’s Eligibility Verification Measure, require banks and other financial institutions to examine their own data sets to highlight where someone may not be eligible for the benefits that are being paid.
  • The DWP claim that there are safeguards built into the new measures.

Entry, search and seizure powers will be subject to independent inspection and complaints procedures.

DWP power over banks will not give them access to individual bank accounts or information on how claimants spend their money.

Other measure in the bill include:

  • The DWP will have the power to make direct deduction orders to take a regular payment or a lump sum from the account of a person who owes them money.  This will include taking money from joint accounts if the debtor does not have a sole account. It will also include taking “cryptoassets”. In addition, the bank will have the power to charge a fee to the account holder for the cost of removing the money from their account.
  • The DWP will have the power to make deduction from earnings orders which allow it to take money directly from the wages of an employed person who owes them money.  Employers will have the power to deduct further sums from the employee’s wages in order to cover the administrative costs of the deductions from earnings order.
  • The DWP may impose a civil penalty on anyone who, the DWP is satisfied on the balance of probabilities, helped another person commit – or attempt to commit - fraud.  This applies both to individuals and organisations.  The civil penalty can be up to 100% of the amount that was fraudulently obtained, or would have been obtained if the fraud had been successful.
  • The DWP will have the power to issue an “information notice” to a wider range of organisations requiring them to provide specified information where there is a reasonable suspicion that fraud has been, or may be, committed.  The information may relate to the person suspected of fraud or a member of their family.  The DWP can impose a civil penalty on an organisation which fails to comply with an information notice.

You can read Liz Kendall’s statement here.

You can download a copy of the Public Authorities (Fraud, Error and Recovery) Bill from this link


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 24 days ago
    I’m confused, does this mean they will examine EVERYONE receiving benefits? 
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    · 1 months ago
    The bill has passed the second reading stage already!!!
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    · 1 months ago
    Whilst a great step forward in the persecution of fraudulent claimants, a blanket examination of everyone receiving benefits is an all-out assault on civil liberties and the personal data protection act.   
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    · 1 months ago
    What is eligibility verification , that's the real scary thing .... They are not telling us what data the banks will be looking at for them , also how far back do they go ? ...... I have many worries , my mum puts money into my account from hers most days then I pay her back with my benifits....will they think my mum is income ? ..... I had two accounts that were undeclared , they have been closed for 6 and 5 years respectively , one was always overdrawn and the other never had savings , also I had PayPal's in the past again never no savings .... But I had a serious gambling problem where I was winning money then gambling it back the next day , I was also borrowing money off who ever I could to gamble , I'm glad to say I haven't gambled in 3 years , but am terrified that this will open up a terrible can of worms , I haven't been outside in 5 years , I suffer from acute chronic OCD , my day is just filled with constant rituals , gambling somehow made it stay away but always made it worse after , i have only ever banked with nationwide I've had 4 accounts , two closed for years they never knew about and two that my benefits go into , I'm absolutely terrified constantly that those two old accounts will be flagged up and then I would have to try and make sense of it 😔 .... I can't eat , I can't sleep , it's like living in constant fear of what they are going too do next 
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      · 14 days ago
      @Df Your not alone.
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      · 26 days ago
      @Df I fully understand your feelings of dread as my claim will be up in may 2026 but I know the process starts much earlier. I also wake up scared and I lost hair and went grey last time. Just make sure you do not have more than 6K. Draw out money regularly. Don’t do anything that is out of your ordinary as this is the kind of thing that would flag accounts. You have nothing to fear if you have not done wrong or worked. This is designed to scare people to stop their claims before they come up for renewal. It’s an awful way to live. Reading your comment made me feel very bad for you but there are more like you so please don’t add further stress upon yourself. I need to repeat this to myself too as I’m worrying some 17 months before I need to
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      · 28 days ago
      @Nicholas67 I can totally relate to this, the feeling of being constantly monitored and watched is a source of huge stress and fear that has deteriorated both my mental and physical health condtions. I am now in a situation where I don't even want to go out of the house anymore, don't want technology in my home and am getting ill repeatedly from living in a state of constant fear around losing the finanical support I get. i have spend 25 years having to keep jusifiying my conditions and battling with the benefits system to get what is needed. The constant intrusion and violation of my life, whereever I am and whereever I go, to then be used against me, is deeply impacting on how I live and adding to all my conditions. It is cruel and invasive. Funny how they all think they have a right to look so much into the lives of those on benefits, to 'detect fraud' and yet none of them are looked into for the spending they do and the level of corruption they are involved in with big companies, the benefits they get from the deals they make and all the tax rights offs. Talk about hypocrisy. They have systematically put the attention on benefit bashing, whilst keeping the spotlight off themselves. They are the criminals and just protect themselves whilst abusing others.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Df I to have the same problem, with the powers they now have, I live in fear of what may happen, will we be "flagged up?" I do however totally agree with what they want to achieve in "catching" fraudulent activity. Life is already a living nightmare, I cannot cope and have constant worry on top of my health situation as it is. Anyone else got feelings on this subject?
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    · 1 months ago
    New Labour are the equivalent of the Democrats in the USA. They have both moved away from there working class base and are nothing better than Tory apologists. If anybody wants to understand what has happened to the UK please read Prof Danny Dorling's 'Shattered Nation'. Since the 1970ties the gap between haves and have nots has gone on widening and won't stop without radical change.

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      · 1 months ago
      @Andrew Longworth-Dames Labour are going to accelerate the huge wealth gap in our society in their defence of the billionaire class. I wrote to my local Labour MP about this issue and he gave me a word salad reply claiming that there were all these safeguards built into this. I told him how can we trust the DWP when it breaks the law on a regular basis and is direcly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of disabled people. As John McDonnell MP has repratedly stated we need an offical investigation into the murderous and repressive activities of the DWP.
       He even repeated Tory propaganda saying there was 10 billion of benefit fraud each year. I challenged him on this and asked to produce evidence of this claim and he backed down on that particular issue.

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    · 1 months ago
    If they cant find work for the unemployed how are they going to find work for the disabled?
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      · 1 months ago
      @Bert It also dosent pay enough leaving part time and full time workers to claim benefits while in a "job." There are MANY others , who haven't paid a penny into the taxation system and many won't.
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      · 1 months ago
      @junior19 Their are 818 thousand job vacancies most of them are in care work and that's not everyone's cup of tea though
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    · 1 months ago
    It seems to me that the UK now has TWO separate Police Forces... the Police and now the DWP Police Force! I appreciate that fraudulent claims from the benefit system need to be tackled but surely this is overkill when fraud accounts for less than 1% of claims. I think the majority of sick and disabled claimants are honest. I am honest because this is how my parents brought me up.

    I used to claim a legacy benefit but this changed when I reached retirement age. I certainly wouldn't like to be claiming UC now in this current climate of fear. In the recent past I had my benefit mysteriously 'stopped' on numerous occasions when payment failed to appear in my bank account. Each time a phone call to the DWP was needed to have the benefit reinstated with a string of feable excuses from the DWP for the reasons behind this. At the time I had the support of a welfare rights advisor who I mentioned this issue to. With no prompting from myself she said that the only reason money is stopped in this way is because the DWP will have received an anonymous allegation that my claim was fraudulent. I had a neighbour who was well known to her own family and friends for her proliferant and habitual  deliberate reporting of people to the DWP. Not based on fact or any corroborated evidence, she does this for her own sadistic and sick pleasure with no thought into the impact this could have on peoples lives. Ironically, she has minor ailments for which she makes exagerated claims for UC & PIP. Her ailments do not appear to impede in the slghtest on her active lifestyle which includes going to the gym and swimming, bingo, very regular visits to pubs for karaoke, quiz nights and meals, holidays and day trips out...and all this being splashed all over her Facebook account with a diary of photos, with her grinning like a Chesire cat! She was reported to the DWP with enough evidence of her fraudulent activities to sink a ship. And the result? She continues to get away with it and continues with her extravagant lifestyle at tax payers expense.

    The point I am trying to make here, is what happens if with these new 'Big Brother' powers the DWP act on a false allegation from someone like this woman?
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    · 1 months ago
    I was present to support a friend during a call, on Saturday, to do with her Universal Credit.  The call was supposedly to 'check' she was getting the correct amount of benefit.  At first I thought it could be a reassessment...but it turned out to be about checking her savings and investments, etc, of which she had none.  She was then asked about 2 payments made out of a Monzo account...the DWP questioner had full details of each payment and their dates.  My friend had never told the DWP that she transferred money to Monzo,( because she didn't use the bank for anything else and never had a 'surplus' on that account) from her Building Society Account whenever she needed to make an online payment (apparently her B Society didn't offer that service).  Apart from the specific payments through Monzo she had no other money paid into that account and had no savings there.  How did the DWP get the info regarding 2 Monzo payments if they are not permitted, at the moment, from getting such info from banks?
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      · 1 months ago
      @Nick Abbotts It's disgraceful Nick. DWP are a law onto themselves. Power over the little people,  and those not aware of their legal rights... are getting bullied.
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    · 1 months ago
    We should have the same powers to look through all the bank accounts and assets of Ministers, MPs and other politicians. That would soon put things into perspective.
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    · 1 months ago
    Benefit fraud is £1.7 billion Unclaimed benefits are £17 billion Tax avoidance is £122 billion.                      Who are the Parasites...                     
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    · 1 months ago
    So are these new powers in place as of now or does the bill have to be passed through the commons to become law seems all a bit big brother on the poor to me outrageous I thought labour were for the working classes seems to me there becoming just like the tories on steroids and  treating the poor as criminals and creating lots of unnecessary fear shame on them 
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    · 1 months ago
    Send it to all your family and friends let's swamp these MPS and let them know how we all feel. 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Clyde Media seem to be very quiet on all this. Will this be just swept under the carpet with everyone waiting for a knock at the door 🚪 🤔 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Clyde Thank you so much for sharing this Clyde! I have emailed my MP, and can only hope he will listen. I am seriously terrified by all these proposals - I really feel frightened for all of us.
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      · 1 months ago
      @Clyde I've signed and shared the petition and emailed my local MP. Big brother watch are a great group consisting of just a few people who work really hard on our behalf to fight things like this.
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    · 1 months ago
    I don't get this about the driving licence. I've got a provisional. It's about 20 years old. Never did learn to drive. But if they want it they can have it!
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    · 1 months ago
    Truly this is an incompetent government, their motto should be: "Putting the greed of the few before the needs of the many".  Starmer & Reeves really are the puppets of the rich. The poor are being treated like criminals at every turn and if they complain or protest about the government they're called "Far Right". The Working man is being taxed to the hilt, working only to pay bills, that's not living... Meanwhile Starmer has promised £3Bn of Tax Payers Money. to the most corrupt country inEurope in order to keep going the unwindable war... Labour are not for the people...
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    · 1 months ago
    This is seriously sinister stuff, mistakes will be made and self harm/suicide rates will soar , but Labour will continue to help chuck benefits at people that shouldn't be here 
    Slow clap to the people that voted Labour , the Tories were bad , these are ten times worse 
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    · 1 months ago
    Look what happened when the post office were given such overreaching powers investigation... the government and its departments cannot be trusted to be fair and evenhanded. The DWP are narrow and single minded in their attitude that every claimant is lazy and work shy which is simply not the case. 

    I am very scared and although I have done nothing wrong will be changing bank accounts if this becomes law. 

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    · 1 months ago
    This gives DWP extra judicial powers and takes away peoples rights to a fair and proper independent hearing. They mention safeguards but how many disabled people especially with mental health problems will understand their rights and have access to legal support? It turns the DWP into a policing authority rather than a provider of public admistraticve services.

    It turns banks (most likely against their wants) into a financial police force whose officers will , probably, be American or Chinese companies who write the algorithms and supply the AI to search the accounts. The ink is barely wet on the Supreme court judgment regards the Post Office Scandal has Horizon and suicide been forgotten already? 
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    · 1 months ago
    Surely if the government are concerned about fraud with public funds aka tax payers money and want to protect the same funds, the staff and the outsourced organisations connected with DWP should be a part of this bill. 
    Equally this bill, should be extended to all Government Departments and ministers which are also funded by the tax payers as well as local councils and councillors ad infinitum - then there would be uproar. 

    Perhaps the chancellor should be looking closer to home for her missing billions!! 
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      · 1 months ago
      @Fighting pensioner Yes and all the housing associations and councils who are profiting from service charge abuse which they palm off to the poor tenants who flag it as fraud as they are overcharged all the time. Those I have spoke with are in terror  when they query the lack of transparency for the charges. Instead of the DWP taking the organisations to court they target the tenants who have queried it!!! The whole system is rigged for corporate greed and that includes the massive amount of money given to Royals who have more assets than anyone and are never audited. It’s awful bias against the most vulnerable. Disabled people pay twice often for things as they need extra help from everything from non NHS health, cleaners, gardeners, carers, food deliveries, insurance etc. MPs 300 odd quid a day for showing up to parliament to sit around judging everyone else who is begging their MPS for help with housing as a major issue including  regarding service charge abuse is utterly unfair. 
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    · 1 months ago
    Big brother comes to mind with all this surveillance,i wonder who will be getting bonuses,its just all wrong they need to go after the loan sharks that some people have to use to survive.
    What if you innocently have a few pounds in savings for paying the likes of extortionate utilities bills,are they coming for us?
    I'm not a clever or dishonest person i have morals and hate thieves but over the past years there seems to be more thieves in government than ever before.
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      · 28 days ago
      @Stratopaul I am very concerned that the dwp think it’s right just to charge there way through peoples bank account without a court order to check what  is in your account. The banks are not happy to do this as it breaks data protection right to the customer. The dwp already have rights to apply a court order and an investigation which you will need to attend. If you apply for means tested benefits plenty of paperwork is required. This includes bank accounts saving deposit shares etc. it’s about time that MP are held to account for all the free stuff they receive and pay tax on it. We the public need to hold firm on this. Pensioners this will also affect you.
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    · 1 months ago
    UC checks my bank account every month already. They tell me to the penny how much is in my bank account and base their payment on the balance.
    I had a financial review at the end of last year so their prying into my account has nothing to do with that, it's ongoing.
    They don't need laws passed they are already doing it!