The Daily Mirror has published a photo of yet another example of the dehumanising of claimants by staff at Jobcentre Plus. The huge poster displayed in a Jobcentre also raises the spectre of secret targets being set to get claimants off employment and support allowance (ESA).{jcomments on}

Yardley Jobcentre Plus recently put up a huge poster entitled ‘Yardley ESA challenge’. ESA claimants are depicted as aliens in an old style Space Invaders game, being destroyed by shots from what must be Jobcentre Plus staff.

Disability Minister Justin Tomlinson told the Mirror that the poster had been taken down as it is not ‘presented in the best way’.

However, neither the minister, the DWP or the Jobcentre Plus were willing to say what the ‘Yardley ESA challenge’ is supposed to be or whether targets have been set to get claimants off ESA.

Labour MP Jess Phillips, who originally tweeted the image after being sent it by a constituent, is to meet with the manager of the Jobcentre plus to try to find out more.

Full story in the Mirror


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