Thanks Jim, I feel so relieved. Like a big burden has been taken off me.
It really does make you wonder. It just shows that they disregarding the facts to suit their own agenda. Anyone professional working for atos or capita making incorrect assessments should be investigated and if needed face disciplinary action.
Unless it happens to have no idea how it effects is the most stressful time of your is so upsetting... My assessor was a nurse...a disgrace to the nursing profession...he had been drinking and stunk of ale...was belching he was disgusting... Everything I told him he typed in the opposite...[removed] He ignored the detailed medical report off my consultant...x-rays...[removed]...DWP don't want to know the them to have one day of my health... I am not on ESA because I want to I need to...I had worked since I was 15...never claimed sick pay in 30 years...never took days off work...paid my taxes and stamp...have a company pension...everything David Cameron say we all have and I still got screwed over...