If you are placed in the LCW group after the work capability assessment, you will be required to attend periodic work-focused interviews with your work coach to continue receiving your full benefit. At the first interview, you will discuss your work prospects, what you are willing as part of preparing to move into work and the support that is available to you, even if you feel that you are currently unable to work due to your health condition(s).
You will take part in further follow-up work-focused interviews at intervals to be determined by your work coach. Your work coach will discuss what activities you could be doing to help you get in to work and will also draw up an action plan.
Interviews can be carried out in person at the Jobcentre, by video link or by telephone. Although you don’t get a choice in what type of interview you are invited to, you should inform UC if you would find it difficult to undertake an interview by any of those channels and they should make reasonable adjustments for any disabilities. You can make a complaint if the DWP insists you attend a type of interview that is not appropriate.
Similarly, any action plan set by your work coach should take into account the limitations your health conditions put upon you.