having looked at your illness on google images, i suggest you send/take them photographic evidence of your lesions (if that's the right word?) and offer to show them in person so they can see the irrefutable truth for themselves
good idea as the info on the problem would not in a lot of cases help the claim
Dave yes you are right Hidradenitis is not rare as many people suffer it probably 1 in 100 but it is little known about properly in the medical world hence the professionals tend to go for an average of how the condition should affect you. My wifes is more rare and little known and if you go by what is written there is little or no pain associated with it but some people are in almost permanent severe pain with it and it is frustrating in the terms of making claims for ESA or DLA.
NONSMOKER that is exactly what i need to do, I have got myself about 100 pics over the past year for various reasons so will send a few with my appeal.
Fingers crossed I will get what i need as it looks like more of a fight to prove how your condition affects you when it is little known.