on social situations i told the h.c.p that nine years ago i got a mobile phone as a present but i very rarely use it.this is a very big mistake.the h.c.p states in his report that client has no problems using a mobile phones to talk to his friends. just goes to prove a tatty old nokia and i have the social life of simon cowell?
Am i correct in thinking that if someone can argue that if you cannot, due to cognitive impairment or a severe disorder of mood or behaviour, initiate or sustain personal action without requiring frequent verbal prompting given by another person in the claimant’s presence.
That this is suffice to get you in the support group for ESA.
The criteria for ESA support group is as follows or am i mistaken.
10. Personal action A Cannot initiate or sustain any personal action (which means planning, organisation, problem solving, prioritising or switching tasks); B Cannot initiate or sustain personal action without requiring daily verbal prompting given by someone else in the claimant’s presence; or C Fails to initiate or sustain basic personal action without requiring daily verbal prompting given by some else in the claimant’s presence, owing to a severe disorder of mood or behaviour.
How someone convices this at an ESA medical is another matter.