Thanks to all who took the trouble to reply, your advice and support is greatly appreciated. I'm still not sure whether I have the oomph to fight the decision and, to be honest, I feel like telling them to stick their money where the sun don't shine, go live in a tent somewhere, can't imagine I'd last too long though! so common sense prevailed and I did ring CAB this morning and will be seeing a welfare rights adviser on Thursday. I'm just so angry that they can get away with treating people this way, these "medicals" are just a joke! Thanks again all.
I am pleased you are going to fight this as they rely so much on people like us giving up on what we should be getting. I am sure they know how much it makes us feel so intimidiated by their decisions. My case was slightly different to yours but i was assessed for ESA and only scored 9 points yet it was relooked at and i was put in the support group. Good luck and please keep in contact and let us know how you are getting on.
I am sorry you have had a distressing experience with your IB assessment, it is the last thing many of us need but hey..we are an easy target.
It amazes me that a "health professional" who may not even be familiar with your illness has the power to decide over the opinion of Consultants, GPs etc. This nonsense must be addressed or there will be many more injustices perpetrated against one of the most vulnerable groups in society.