Last June I received my DLA award of HRM for 12 months, which took 4 months. Two days later I received the ESA questionnaire for the ib migration. In early October I got my renewal through for DLA, and my renewal award came through learly January, still HRM only (haven't got the strength to appeal) but for two years which is a huge relief.
Still haven't heard anything from DWP regarding ESA. I rung to check they'd received my forms and that from my end there wasn't a problem. It's stressful not knowing yet nice to be left alone! The amount of paperwork last year is still negatively affecting my health but with rising fuel, petrol and food I felt I had no choice but to finally claim.
Thank you benefits and work. The news makes me want to give up all hope. I'm isolated with little support. Having this site has given me the support I need to get through the gruelling scrutiny of claiming DLA, to understand the forms and have the courage to keep going.