You're either fit to work or you're not - you can't have different levels of being able to work.
I disagree you can be so sick you will never work as in people who are going to die or never be well enough to work due to not being able to be treated and made better. You could even put some people in that group who have been off sick so long, one way or another they would not cope with work.
Then you have a group of people who have been in an accident and wont be able to go back to old job, people who for other reasons can not return to old job ie stress or too hard work, and need lighter work.
Then you have people who will recover after treatment and physio
many people with me/cfs go back to work there is a web site that says 25% are too ill to ever work so many there will recover
all reads well but to support people back to work costs money and rather than pay compaines £14,000 to "keep" people back in work spend £12,000 of it on supporting and training and helping people manage to go back then things might get better... and just give the compines less dosh