Thanks for that. What I have not heard about, is the letter I wrote to the dwp appealing against being placed in the wrag. I thought I should receive an answer within 3 months, so that I could ask for the case to be considered by tribunal. I was under the impression that I had only a limited amount of time, to do this.
As Gordon advised in his reply, you really need to contact the DWP, to see what the "state of play" is, as I previously said a reconsideration is automatic on appeal, have they done this, what was the decision, are they requesting extra medical evidence from your G.P., or have they reconsidered, not changed the decision, and put it forward to appeal.
You are entitled to answers to these questions, I would back up any phone contact with written correspondence, and keep copies.
just a quick add-on, I assume you have lodged a written appeal, did you use a GL24, have you had written recognition of your appeal.?