As i`m sure you are all feed up with seeing my posts well in doing letters to the DWP about my DLA renewal and many readings of the report as illegablie as it is the main thing slapping me i the face is the lack of my name and IN number on every page should i tell them this in letter or leave it as this as quotes on site thankfuly Is your name and national insurance number on every page? should i tell them i know what this means or not
i also phoned today because i still do not have a copy of the EMP Report her answer was it was asked for yesterday for photo coping
ARHHHHHHHHHH this is not what i asked for oh my god dont thay listen !!!
Assuming by letters you mean a letter to appeal a decision on your DLA, then I can't see any reason not to refer to the absence of your name and national insurance number, but it would make sense to me to tell them why you think this is relevant if you are going to mention it.