Hi All,
Update on benifits so far:
As i said before i had to fill in the form for ESA as 'Income Support' was no longer a claimable benifit. Got the Job Centre to check all the info was coorrect & all the boxes were that needed to were ticked. Put the appealing against the decission in the same envelope and posted it off. Almost 2 weeks later Daughter answered the phone and it was a guy from the ESA,I agreed that she could talk on my behalf. Anyhoo the guy 'suggested' that Income Support may be the best option as I had recently failed the medical and would pass my claim form to Income support. After giving plenty of time for IS to get my claim form and input my details into the system, I phoned and was told that they hadn't recieved it.Back to ESA- to Income Support- finally today was told by IS that the reason my claim was taking so long was that instead of ESA passing my form straight to IS the Decission Maker was looking at it. Inome support have now informed me that it will take a further 1-15 days before any further action can be taken, as the Income Support Decission Maker has to see if I am entitled to claim this Benefit. If the decission goes against me, I will have to sign on. I asked what would happen if I didn't agree with the decission & suprise suprise was told that I could 'APPEAL' the decission.
Seem to me that they are going all out to starve people into claiming JSA. I am going to speak to my MP about this matter.
Bit off topic, the Council also decided that the street I live in didn't need a Grit Bin.
One more strike and I'm out