XFACTOR wrote: Hi Pete
Thank you. Yes I know that precedent will not be created until after a 2nd tier tribunal gives a decision on interpretation, and that even then cases will vary widely in their compatability with the guidance of the judges.
However, I have set out a series of questions and I am inviting any members to give a view. I have read the members guides and the situations I specified seemed to me to be at least to some extent arguably within the parameters of severity for some support group criteria. I wondered whether others would agree, or might themselves have had a fight on their hands ( or not) in relation to mental health related support group entry, for similar grounds as those I have outlined.
I do appreciate that the support group is often whether claimants on appeal (having won no or few points at initial medicals) end uop after a long and distressing fight. So I appreciate that many claimants, perhaps aproaching double digit percentages) are denied access to the support group.
This is going to be massive importance before long when migration effects a time limit on contribution based claimants.
To be quite honest, we are busy dealing with our members actual problems and giving advice on those. To start to ask hypothetical questions hoping to attract unqualified responses not only creates much extra work for a very busy moderating team (all who have severe disabilities and/or chronic health issues) but could lead to confusing those very members needing our support and help most.
In view of this, I am locking this thread.