I received a thick brown envelope, with the dreaded Belfast address on the back, and sat for an hour before I was able to open it and start the review process all over again!
It was a decision letter! They have done a paper assessment using all the information they have from previous assessments and a letter from my doctor. No need for me to have a physical assessment and given enhanced for living and mobility! (That is what I was currently on.)
Ten (10) years before my next reassessment!
My question? If the information they hold is enough to do a paper assessment and give enhanced rates for both, why wasn’t the same information enough for the previous five assessments where they gave me few points and each time had to go to tribunal. (Apart from my last assessment which was changed by a very helpful DM.)
I’ve just renewed my membership as it is worth every penny for the help this site has given me to win every ESA and PIP tribunal.
Thank you to everyone who keeps this great site ticking!