What is work-related activity?
Work-related activities are the tasks that your work coach can ask you to undertake if you are in the work-related activity group for ESA following your Work Capability Assessment. If you receive New-style ESA, work-related activities may instead be referred to as ‘work preparation’.
The exact activities you could be asked to do will depend on your situation and what your work coach feels will best help prepare you for a future return to work. Not all work-related activities will be available in all areas.
Work-related activities are graded by the DWP to how challenging they are. The following are examples of work-related activities that could be offered:
- Getting up and dressed by a certain time each day, and keeping a log to chart progress (less demanding, easy)
- Finding out possible transport routes and trying them out, keeping a log to chart progress (less demanding, medium)
- Look at the Expert Patient Programme online and list reasons why it could benefit you (less demanding, hard)
- Attend a classroom-based IT course (more demanding, easy)
- Attend a basic skills course in English and Maths (more demanding, medium)
- Attend a work placement at a community hub/ café/ other placement of community benefit (more demanding, hard)
The idea is that your work-related activity requirements are tailored to your needs and that there can be progression to more challenging activities as you get closer to being ready to return to work.
You cannot be required to apply for jobs as part of work-related activity.