Our free, fortnightly newsletter keeps you up-to-date with all the changes that might affect your: 

  • PIP
  • DLA
  • AA
  • ESA
  • UC


We are always on the lookout for anything that will make our readers lives more difficult.

We’ve warned about issues such as:

  • Increases in the levels of sanctions for ESA and UC claimants.
  • The introduction of telephone assessments instead of face-to-face assessments and how best to prepare for them.
  • Huge delays in PIP renewals and what happens when your award is due to end.
  • How PIP claimants are cheated out of mobility awards for mental health and what to do about it.
  • The introduction of tailor made sanctions for disabled claimants on ESA and UC.
  • How PIP aids and appliances are used against you and how to fight back.


As well as warning about dangers, we also alert readers to new opportunities.

  • The possibility of  an award of over £12,000 in arrears of PIP because the DWP had been applying the law wrongly in relation to overwhelming psychological distress and following the route of a journey.
  • Improved guidance on the absence of mental health medication, which makes it harder to argue that a claimant’s condition is only mild.
  • Although they haven’t announced it officially, the DWP is no longer trying to stop PIP claimants audio recording their assessment on their mobile phone.
  • The possibility of being awarded £16,000 in back-payments of PIP for some claimants with mental health conditions who need prompting or social support to engage face-to-face with other people.
  • A new and little known right to request a different sort of PIP assessment if you are required to attend a telephone or face-to-face assessment.
  • Previously secret DWP documents which show that you don’t need to provide medical evidence of any sort in order to make a successful PIP ESA or UC claim for long-covid.
  • Lower cost fibre broadband for some claimants.

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